Friday, January 15, 2010

Source of Crankiness

Yesterday I ended up going to the doctor because I couldn't get rid of this cough that I have had for a while now. I kept thinking it was getting better, but it really wasn't. I have been worried that I would cough so much that I would break my water or I would just go into labor and I would have to deal with a cough while having terrible contractions and trying to push a baby out.

Anyway, I went to the doctor and I most likely have bronchitis or pneumonia or some really terrible chest cold. He couldn't be sure because I am not going to have an X-ray done. He put me on antibiotics and I have to go back in a week. If he still hears a bunch of stuff in my lungs then he wants to do an X-ray. Hopefully (keeping my fingers crossed) the antibiotics work and I am better in a week. I really really don't want to have an X-ray. It is crazy because I feel perfectly fine except for when I have a coughing spell. Then my chest and stomach really hurt. The medication made me a little nauseous yesterday and this morning, but I only have four more days to go. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the cough goes away in a few days.

So I think that is why I have been so tired and irritable. Other then being 27 days from my due date.

Also, Dave hurt his back after working out at the gym on Tuesday. He is such an old man (I love you Dave!). Anyway, he hasn't been able to do much at all (like pick up Samuel, lean over or anything), since Tuesday which has been a little draining. He is feeling better today. He thinks he just strained a muscle in his back, so it just needed some time to relax.

Thank goodness it is Friday and a long weekend. I really need that right now.

I am really excited about what I am making tonight for dinner. Once of Dave's new years resolutions was to try new things, specifically food related. He doesn't really like mushrooms, squash, zucchini and he hates to eat fish, but he has agreed to try them all and see if he likes them this year. I have already made several dishes with mushrooms, squash and zucchini, but I am going to try a fish recipe tonight to see if he likes it. We may be ordering out, who knows.
So here is the menu:

Lemon, shallot and white wine Pan Seared Breaded Sole
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Sauteed Broccolini

I am so excited, I know it will taste delicious and hopefully Dave will like it too. I will post a picture if I remember to take one.

I think I am going to lay in bed and read a little while Samuel is napping. Have a wonderful weekend.


Charisa said...

Take care of yourself and get better! Way to go Dave with the trying of the new foods. Let us know how he stomachs the fish!

Nicki said...

That stinks! I hope you feel better soon!

Flower Girl said...

first of all. YUM. that sounds so good. if dave doesn't like it you are more than welcome to fedex his plate to me.
also. ugh i'm so sorry to hear that you are so sick!! i'll think good thoughts for you. xox

megan said...

yum! that sounds great! I saw dave's post on FB about eating fish, WTG Dave!!

I hope you feel better soon, sarah! Take care of yourself!