Monday, January 4, 2010

Hot Hot Hot

I know it is only 13 degrees outside and with the windchill who knows how cold, but I am so freaking hot. I guess my hormones are raging because I am hot all the time. I had a doctor's appointment this morning and I was sweating in the waiting room and another lady was there and she was freezing (with her coat and hat still on). As soon as I got in the room to wait for the doctor I stripped down to just my tank top. The nurses were laughing because they said they were all freezing in the back and I finally comfortable.

So, I have gained 31 pounds total. I feel like I am retaining water today because I ate some chips last night and I think I swelled in the middle of the night, but I don't even care because I am entering the home stretch. The baby's heartbeat was 160 bpm. That was the fastest it has ever been. The doctor measured me and then pushed around on my stomach and I think it got the baby agitated because it wouldn't sit still and that could be a reason for the high heartbeat. Anyway, I think I am going to take a guess that I am having a girl, but it is still 50/50.

I have been having some really hard and long contractions. Some of the contractions are really painful. Since I have been having so many contractions, the doctor gave me a pelvic exam and the baby's head is still down, but hasn't dropped much at all. My cervix is dilated to 1cm, but it is still very thick so there is no chance of going into labor in the near future. Pretty exciting though, only 9 more cm to go. I go back to the doctor in two weeks and then every week after that.

I think we pretty much have everything we need for the baby for now. I just bought some diapers and I think we are set. I can either get more stuff of wash more clothes depending on the sex of the baby.

Dave and I bought a grill pan to put on our stove this past weekend, so we planned some yummy meals this week.

Sunday we had Turkey Meatloaf with brussel sprouts and honey glazed sweet potatoes.
Monday: Roasted Veggie Sandwiches with Mozzarella cheese and a spinach salad
Tuesday: Chicken and Veggie Kabobs with wild rice
Wednesday: Steak Tips with peppered mushroom gravy on top of egg noodles

Haven't figured out the rest of the week yet.

Here are some pictures from the last week:

Snowfall on Christmas (not much snow, but Samuel liked it):

Samuel got a backpack from Uncle Izzy and Aunt Kay for Hanukkah and Christmas, he loves it:

His name of the back is so cute:

Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Laura got Samuel a tricycle for Christmas and he loves it but hasn't really figured out how to peddle by himself:

Our new washer and dryer:

Baby Room and new furniture:


megan said...

LOVE all the pics!!! The room looks great! So exciting you're in the home stretch now and the baby is already making progress! yay yay yay!

Flower Girl said...

Hi-ya hottie!
I've missed you! Let's talk soon and catch up. I've got the babysitter today so I have lots of art to work on - maybe tomorrow? Big smooches!!!

Charisa said...

You and Vaughn must have had the same thing going on yesterday - I couldn't keep clothes on her! I don't know how she wasn't freezing!

Washer and dryer are awesome!

Baby's room looks great too! The furniture is beautiful!

Had a dream that you had a boy the other night. It's still killing me not knowing!