Thursday, May 29, 2008

Already Thursday

I can't believe how quickly this week has gone by.  Samuel is now 12 weeks.  I am going to take some pictures over the weekend and then post some.  

I will be going to Tulsa on Sunday and staying for a week, so I highly doubt I will do any posting.  

I am trying to clean the house and do all the laundry before I leave so I won't have to come back to tons of stuff to do.  Plus I don't want Dave to have to do anything while I am gone.  I have a feeling he will be playing a lot of golf next week, since he won't have to worry about getting home right after work.  

I am off to do some stuff around the house while Samuel is sleeping.  

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weekend Flew By

I can't believe it is already Tuesday.  This Memorial Day weekend fly by.  Oma came in town on Saturday night and just left this afternoon.  It was a wonderful weekend, but it went too fast.

Dave and I went out for about 3 or 4 hours on Monday.  We went to the gym to work out and then ran some errands.  

How long does it take to lose the baby weight? I am getting so disgusted with my body.  I am flabby everywhere.  I really don't understand how my arms could get so flabby, when the baby was in my belly.  I have got to get on a good work out schedule because I can barely stand it any longer.  Anyone have any good advice? Help!

Samuel is waking up, so I am off.  

Friday, May 23, 2008

Pictures from the week

These are some funny pictures I took this past week.  Check out Samuel's hair!

This was taken on Tuesday.  I think I may have over-stimulated him a little bit.  He passed about about 5 minutes after this picture.

This picture was taken yesterday.  He was just chillin' on the couch.  Like father, like son! (He has also really found his hands and he sucks on them like crazy.)

Samuel will get to almost all the grandparents this weekend.  Savta and Papa are coming in town today and spending the night, but then they are leaving for Mexico with Aunt Laura and Uncle Jonathan.  (So jealous, by the way.  I would love to be in the sun, but I would not want to scare anyone with my disgusting, not back to normal, baby body).

Then on Sunday, Oma is coming in town in the evening and staying until Tuesday.  Samuel is going to be very busy and get lots of cuddle time with the grandparents.  

The first week of June I am going to Tulsa.  I haven't been to Tulsa since I think Labor Day of last year.  We don't make the trip that often because it seems like the family always comes to us.  But I am going to relax for the week.  Dave is going to meet me on Friday and then we will drive back on Sunday.  Soon we will be going to Michigan as well.  Samuel will get some nice road trips in this summer.

Have a nice long weekend everyone.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Weekend Picture

We finally got to meet Vaughn McFarland this past weekend.  She was so cute and so tiny.  I don't remember Samuel being that small.  I tried to get a picture of Samuel and Vance, but Samuel wasn't cooperating at all.  It is a funny picture though, so I decided to post it.  

I think I have a pinched nerve in my lower back.  I am in a lot of pain.  I think I just need to stretch it out.  We will see.  

Samuel is finally taking a nap, so I am going to run and do some house stuff.  

Monday, May 19, 2008

So sad it is Monday

Well, Monday is almost over thank goodness.  I am really tired and I hate Mondays.  

I have nothing exciting to talk about.  Samuel didn't really nap at all today and so I am exhausted.  Dave and I just gave him a bath and Dave is walking around upstairs trying to calm him down.  Samuel is being a big pain now because he barely slept all day.  We are trying to hold out for another hour before we put him down for the night.  

We did go to Target and Trader Joe's today.  It is very strange to go to Target around 9:30.  It seems like there were only moms and babies.  I felt strange being part of that group.  I went to buy some sleep shirts for Samuel and I left with no shirts for Samuel and a really cute skirt for me.  I felt like it was a successful trip!

Tomorrow I have another day of boot camp and a meeting at night.  Should be exciting.  

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I finally got over my soreness from the kick-my-butt workout.  I went for a walk today and hopefully tomorrow I will find some time to go for a run.  

Opa came to visit for a few days.  Samuel was in rare form.  He was super cranky on Friday and would not be happy at all.  I think the week of no sleep finally caught up to him by Friday.  I was wondering when it would effect him.  I was ready to pull my hair out and jab my eye balls out by Friday morning because of the lack of sleep.  I think he is finally over his growing and eating stage for the week and is now getting back to normal.   

I always wondered how long you had to swaddle your baby.  The pediatrician and Parents-as-Teachers lady told us that we would know when to stop.  I proceeded to tell them that that answer did not help me in the slightest bit.  Well, now I think I know what they mean.  (A little brief history, we have been swaddling Samuel every night since he was born.  We found a really cool swaddling wrap and he loved, which helped with his sleeping a lot.  We were so stupid at the beginning to try to wrap him ourselves in receiving blankets, when there are the amazing blankets that require 3 steps in order to securely wrap a baby).  Anyway, on Thursday night I heard Samuel making lots of noises in his crib, but he wasn't crying.  I figured I should check on him anyway.  I went in his room and look in his crib and he was on his stomach.  Now, explain to me how the hell a baby swaddled really tightly can flip himself on his stomach.  Well, Samuel did it and it totally freaked me out because he had no way to lift himself up to move his head, so he face planted himself in the crib sheets.  By the way, he has never rolled himself over from his back to his stomach during the day.  It is only a night thing, so I have never really seen it happening with my own eyes.  He must have super powers at night!

Anyway, the light bulb finally went off...I guess he shouldn't be swaddled anymore.  Last night I put him in just a sleep sack and again at midnight he made some noises with a few screams, so I went in and checked on him and he was on his stomach again, but this time because his arms were not plastered to his sides he was able to lift himself up and scream.  After I flipped him back over, he slept the rest of the night on his back perfectly fine.  We will see how tonight goes.  It is about 9:30 pm so I guess I will be checking in on him before we go to bed.  Hopefully he won't be flipping himself over anymore.  

I am off to read a little before I go to bed.  I am so excited to be able to have some downtime.  

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

So sore

Here are some pictures form Mother's Day.

Dave made an awesome champagne brunch.  It was yummy!

This is me and Samuel right before he went to bed on Mother's Day.  

This was George this morning.  I had played with Samuel and did a little tummy time.  I picked him up to change him and I turned around and there was George, she wanted to do some tummy time too on the blanket.  

I went to baby boot camp yesterday.  It rained in the morning so she held the class indoors.  I showed up and only one other mom showed up.  Oh my goodness, she worked us so hard.  We did tons of sit-ups, push ups, weights, lunges and squats.  I am in soooo much pain today.  I haven't worked out like that in so long.  I do feel a lot healthier.  Samuel and I went on a walk today, but he screamed for the first 10-15 minutes and I held him, while pushing the stroller, but then he fell asleep and I walked for another 20 minutes.  It was a short walk, but at least I got some exercise today.
Today Samuel is 10 weeks.  I can't believe how time is flying by.  It is crazy.  He is getting really big.  He is becoming really cuddly.  He wants to be held a lot lately, which is really tiring for me. 
He is starting to cry upstairs.  He has only been asleep for 20 minutes.  I really wish he would take longer naps.  I better go get him. 

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mondays suck

Mondays are such a drag.  Yesterday was a really good day.  Dave made me a huge brunch and he bought champagne.  I ate way too much.  So for dinner we got salads because we needed to try to eat something healthy.  

I think Samuel is going through another growth spurt.  He woke up a lot last night and stayed up from 2 am to 4 am and wanted to eat almost the entire time.  That is not like him at all.  Then he woke up around 6:45 or so and just now went to sleep.  It is almost 1:00 pm.  He has been eating almost every hour.  I think he finally worn himself out.  Hopefully he will sleep longer then 10 minutes.  I think I am going to lay down as well.  I am pooped after last night.  

Hopefully this week will be nice.  I think the weather is going to be nice, so I am planning on going on lots of walks.  I am off to take a nap. 

Friday, May 9, 2008


I have no idea what I have done this week to make it fly by so quickly.  We are headed to Kansas City for one night because it is my grandfather's 90th birthday and the synagogue is throwing him a big party in honor of his birthday.  This is our first trip with Samuel.  I think I have packed everything we need for him.  I took George to the kennel.  I am inhaling my lunch and then I am going to try to work out and pack up the car all before 3 pm when I have to pick Dave up.  

It is a crazy day.  

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.  Dave surprised me last night with my mother's day gift.  He got me a three stone necklace and the three stones were aquamarines, Samuel's birthstone.  It is beautiful and I was totally shocked.  I wasn't really expecting anything but breakfast and dinner.  Secretly I have hoping for an apple laptop, but I was very pleasantly surprised with the necklace.  It way beats the laptop.  

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Poor Baby

Samuel had his shots yesterday.  He had 2 in each leg and had to have one orally (a liquid).  When he got the first shot, there was a delayed reaction and then he started screaming and didn't stop for about 30 minutes.  I felt bad that he was in pain, but realistically he won't remember any of this anyway.  He will just be reminded the next time he gets shots.  

So he weighted 13 pounds and 14.5 oz, so basically 14 pounds.  The doctor said he is a big boy, but he isn't super chubby.  I am surprised he doesn't have more rolls.  

The best part about yesterday was that Samuel cried so much in the evening and was so worn out from all the shots that he slept for 8 hours last night!  I heard him stirring and looked at the clock and it was 4:00 a.m. and we put him down around 8:30 last night.  I went in to check on him because he wasn't crying he was just making noises around 4.  He had moved himself in the corner of the crib and his face was next to the bumper.  I got a little worried that he might suffocate himself (even though I have no idea how long he had been in that position).  I asked Dave if he thought I should move him and he said yes.  So around 4:30 I tried to move him away from the side of the crib.  He obviously didn't stay asleep.  So I brought him into bed and I fed him and he feel back asleep.  

We have had a relaxing morning.  I am in desperate need of some coffee.  So I am off to make that.  

Have a great hump day!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

2 months and 1 day

I tired to put sun glasses on him yesterday during our walk.  They are a little big.  Oh well, I laughed really hard when I tried to get them on because he didn't like it that much. These next two are pictures of him at 2 months.  They are pretty cute.  

So, yesterday was Samuel's 2 month birthday.  Today he gets to go to the doctor and get his 2 month old shots.  I am not really looking forward to him getting the shots.  I just know he will be sore.  I gave him a bath this afternoon, so I don't have to worry about doing it tomorrow and accidentally touching his legs where they might hurt.

Samuel and I went to Baby Boot Camp this morning.  It is a work out class for moms who are trying to lose their baby weight.  I am going to be in so much pain tomorrow.  We ran and then did different circuits (push-ups, sit ups, squats, etc.), then to finish off the class we had to run down a hill, then do lunges and skipping.  I thought I was going to die.  The class lasted about 55 minutes or so.  Samuel slept the entire time, thank goodness.  It started to get really hot and he doesn't really like the heat, so we finished at the perfect time.  I am doing the class on Tuesdays.  It is also on Thursdays, but I am hoping I can get myself motivated on the other days.

Lastly before I go, Samuel had a milestone yesterday.  He rolled over from his stomach to his back.  It was so exciting.  I started screaming, "Good boy" and he started laughing.  Then I put him on his stomach again and he rolled over again.  Now I think he just likes my reactions.  Yesterday he was only rolling in one direction and today he started rolling in the other direction.  I was really excited.  

I am off to do some things around the house before Samuel wakes up.  

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Losing my voice

So, I am feeling better but now I am losing my voice.  It sucks.  It sounds horrible.  Not much going on this weekend.  Dave and I realize we have to go on a serious diet.  I still need to lose a lot of baby weight and I need to get serious about it.  

Here are some pictures I took this morning.  

Samuel will be 2 months tomorrow.  I have to take a lot of pictures, so I can get at least one to add to his monthly picture frame.  

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Still sick

So unfortunately I am still sick.  I am feeling better today, but yesterday was really awful.  Dave stayed home from work on Friday and took care of Samuel during the day and I tried to sleep.  I did get some rest but not nearly enough.  I had a doctor's appointment at 4:45 and he told me that yes I was sick with a bad cold and that it will last 7 to 10 days and he isn't prescribing me anything.  He said since I was breast-feeding he didn't want me to take any medication, but I could take some over the counter drugs.  So I loaded up on some meds and finally got a lot of sleep last night.  Samuel slept for a really long time and so did I.  

Hopefully I will completely recover over the weekend and be great by Monday.  Lets keep our fingers crossed.  I am off to do some relaxing.  

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Samuel "The Chick Magnet" Glasser

Samuel is 8 weeks now!

Thanks to Aunt Laura and Uncle Jonathan, Samuel got a cute new outfit.  He was in a pretty good mood this morning, so I took some pictures of him in it.  

Hi! I am cute.

Don't look at me anymore.

Trying not to look at the camera.

Hey, don't say that about my mom.

This picture stuff is stupid.

I thought I would add my own commentary to the pictures.