Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weekend Flew By

I can't believe it is already Tuesday.  This Memorial Day weekend fly by.  Oma came in town on Saturday night and just left this afternoon.  It was a wonderful weekend, but it went too fast.

Dave and I went out for about 3 or 4 hours on Monday.  We went to the gym to work out and then ran some errands.  

How long does it take to lose the baby weight? I am getting so disgusted with my body.  I am flabby everywhere.  I really don't understand how my arms could get so flabby, when the baby was in my belly.  I have got to get on a good work out schedule because I can barely stand it any longer.  Anyone have any good advice? Help!

Samuel is waking up, so I am off.  


Anonymous said...

Check out this website. It gives training schedules for marathons, half-marathons, 10K's etc. It also has Spring training schedules for Novice runners. I am using this for my latest challenge to run the Dallas Marathon in December. Even if you are not up for a Marathon it gives some doable running schedules. Good luck. It is tough as a Mom to find time for yourself to workout. I am terrible at it, but I am going to give this a shot.


Nicki said...
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Nicki said...

I feel ya, sister! The only thing that convinced me to put on a bathing suit in Hawaii was the fact that I would never see those people again! I have lost 40 of the 60 lbs. I have gained, but my body has taken a completely different shape than before and I desperately need to get some type of routine started! It is so frustrating and I feel your pain! Please pass on any advice you receive because we are in the same boat.

Sarah said...

I have 19 more pounds to lose too. It sucks. Jamie thanks for the website. I need to check it out. Dave and I want to run a half marathon and that might get us started.