Monday, March 31, 2008

Throwdown with Dave Glasser

Yesterday I was craving a hamburger so badly. I think I ate red meat about 2 weeks or 3 weeks ago. Dave and I love watching the food network and we saw an episode of Diners Drive-in's and Dives and there was a restaurant that made hamburgers with cheese in the middle, so Dave decided he was going to try it out last night. Oh my goodness, it was the best burger I have ever had. He seasoned the meat and made two really thin big patties, then he put really sharp cheddar cheese crumbled up in the middle of on of the patties and then covered it with the other patty. Then he put it on the grill. He also made really yummy brussel sprouts. The meal was delicious. Bobby Flay if you want to come challenge Dave to a hamburger throwdown I am sure Dave would win! I have attached a picture for your viewing pleasure.

I have been trying to post a picture of Samuel's first bottle feeding, but for some reason my computer is not cooperating. I can't get the picture to upload. I have been trying to do it for a while now. I even took a shower and came back to the computer and it still hasn't uploaded. Oh well, I guess I will try later.

I just got off the treadmill. I ran for only 10 minutes and walked for 10. I figured I would start off slow and work my way back up. The last thing I need it to injury myself.

Also, Samuel and I are going on an outing today to get my hair cut and colored. I am so excited. I need something new. I am going to shower now before Samuel wakes up.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

What a Relief

Thank goodness Dave took half day Thursday and Friday off. It has been a very interesting weekend. Samuel has decided he doesn't like to nap during the day until about 1:30 in the afternoon. So we are up all morning with him. Sometimes it is pleasant and sometimes it isn't. He has been super cranky and crying like crazy. I think he is getting so worn out and tired and he can't calm himself down. We rock him, walk around the room, sing to him, talk to him and lately that hasn't been working. By Saturday I was so worn out I almost couldn't function.

I had a minor meltdown on Saturday. I think I needed a really good cry. I haven't cried since he was born. There really hasn't been a reason to cry. I haven't really felt overwhelmed and things had been going well. I didn't have the baby blues so I feel very lucky. However on Saturday I just could handle it anymore. My one and a half hour naps throughout the night for the last 3 weeks caught up to me. Also, I have a clogged milk duct in my left breast and I want to die. Yesterday it was hurting so badly I couldn't stand it, the pain was so bad. I was really looking forward to being able to exercise this weekend since my rash is finally gone. But then I get this boob issue and I am back to being miserable. For the past 3 weeks, my body has been a mess. The culmination of everything just exploded on Saturday. Last night I laid on the couch and Dave rubbed my head, I fed Samuel around 9 and then I went to bed. Dave woke me up at midnight to feed him and he was out by 12:30. He slept until 3:30, I fed him and he stayed up until about 4:30, he finally went back to bed and slept until 7, I fed him and then he woke up again around 10. It was the most sleep I have gotten since he was born and I feel great today.

Today has been an eventful day. I pumped last night so Dave could try to feed him today. Samuel had his first bottle today! He had a difficult time figuring out how to suck it down because the milk flowed so much quicker out of the bottle, but finally he was successful. He slurped down 3 oz and we thought he might still be hungry, so we tried to give him one more oz. That was toooo much. He threw up every bit of that oz, all over Dave (which was pretty funny). Obviously he only can handle about 3 oz. I pumped while Dave was feeding him and got about 5 oz, so that should be enough for 2 more feedings. I have lots of things to do this week in the evenings and I wanted to have enough milk for the week, so Dave could feed him, if necessary. By the way, I got the Medela Pump In Style and it is wonderful, thank you everyone for all your advice.

Okay, so back to the day. We fed him the bottle and then he got a bath. I think he really likes the bath. When we pour the water over his head, he gets really calm and doesn't scream or anything. After the bath we rocked in the glider and then he went to sleep around 1:45. He has been asleep for an hour now. I was able to bake cookies, cut coupons, check my email and now write on here. It has been a successful hour.

I think he is stirring and will probably get up soon to eat, so I am off.

Friday, March 28, 2008

A Little Break

Today Dave decided to stay at home to help out with Samuel. I have been really tired this week and I really wanted a break, so being the wonderful husband he is, Dave is staying home. It was really nice last night because when Samuel started crying, Dave went and got him from the crib, changed his diaper and then brought him to me to feed. Then all I had to do was feed him, get him to go back to sleep, wrap him and put him in his crib or the bassinet. Overall it was a good night. Samuel is starting to sleep better and I am really trying to put him in his crib because I sleep better too. If he is in the room with us I hear every single noise he makes and it wakes me up. Being in his crib sometimes he will wake up, start crying and then fall back asleep. If he was in our room, I would normally pick him up instead of letting him cry. We are slowing trying to get used to everything.

I think the hardest thing for me is figuring out the right clothes to put Samuel in. Sometimes I feel like I put him in too many clothes and then too little. I have no idea if he is hot or cold. Lately I felt like he has been really really hot, so we took his temperature last night. We used a rectal thermomator and I would have thought it would be terrible to use, but it was really quick and he didn't seem to mind it. Anyway, his temp was 100 and I freaked out because I thought that was hot, so we called the Exchange line and they said that it was fine as long as it didn't get to 100.4. They told me to put him in less clothes and see how he felt. We put him in a short sleeve onesie and him temperature went down. There is just so much stuff to learn. We are slowly getting the hang of it.

My rash is almost gone thank goodness. I am hoping by tomorrow it will be completely gone and then I will start to get back on the treadmill.

I have to go, the baby is crying and my boobs are leaking, so I guess it must be feeding time.

Monday, March 24, 2008

It's Nap Time

I only have a few minutes to post because Samuel finally is taking a nap. He has been staying awake a lot more lately. We woke up around 9:30 or so and I fed him and then he stayed up until about 11:50. I put him in his crib and I have the monitor on. He slept in his crib all night last night. He didn't sleep through the night, but he was in his crib. I slept in the spare bed because I was hoping that Dave would get some more sleep, but he said he isn't feeling much more rested today. I am going to sleep in the spare bed again tonight and Samuel will sleep in his crib again.

We had a nice Easter yesterday. We went over to Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Laura's house and they made an amazing dinner and we all ate way too much. Samuel got his first Easter basket filled with clothes this year instead of candy. That is my kind of Easter basket. Thanks to his Aunt and Uncle, Samuel is going to be a cute little boy once he can fit into the clothes they got him.

I have a few pictures that I am going to post and it might come in different posts, but we will see.

There is one of Samuel in the swing and you will see that George is always close by. I don't think she is happy with our new addition, but she is protective. You will see by the picture that she is always close by.

Here is Samuel on his first walk

Here are two pictures from yesterday at Easter.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Time Flies

I can't believe how quickly the days go by now. Before I know it it is 1 or 2 in the afternoon and I haven't even done anything.

Update on the rash...I went back to my OB-GYN on Thursday because I started to get a rash on my boobs. I know you all wanted to know that, but I couldn't stand it anymore and I didn't want to give anything to Samuel, so I called the doctor and they had me come in right away.

So, the rash I described on my stomach and hips actually has a name. It is called PUPPS. The doctor said that many women get this rash while they are pregnant (like at the very end of the pregnancy) and a few get it after they have had the baby. It is completely pregnancy related. Let me tell you, I feel horrible, but I can't imagine having this rash at the end of my pregnancy. It itches like crazy and it is disgusting looking. There is no medicine you can take for it, you just have to let it run its course. She suggested taking Aveno baths and putting anti-itching cream on the outbreak. She said it can last anywhere form 2 to 4 weeks and it can get really bad. She said that it will get much worse before it gets better. The rash part on my stomach is starting to go away, but the part on my legs and butt are still going strong. Hopefully, in the next few days it will get better. I have taken about 3 or 4 Aveno baths and that seems to help.

Now for the rash on my boobs. She said it is a contact rash, probably from the nursing bras I have been wearing. So, her suggestion was to go bra-less. It is a good thing I don't go many places right now and can go without a bra.

I think my body is in complete shock after giving birth and going through labor. I have never had skin issues and I can't remember ever getting a terrible rash before. I guess having a baby changes lots of things.

Thanks for all the advice about breast pumps. I will be getting the Medela Pump in Style in the next few weeks. I don't plan on pumping right away, but I want to have it just in case.

I wasn't planning on going back to work right away, but I got appointed by the Court as a Guardian ad Litem on a case and I don't want to pass it up, so I might be starting up a few cases soon. Hopefully I can get Samuel on a schedule and it will be easier for me to go to Court for a few hours and leave him with Dave. I don't feel comfortable leaving him with anyone right now. He is just too precious.

We finally went out and bought him some blue outfits this weekend. He looks so cute in his blue! Seriously, I will try to get motivated to post some updated pictures. I am too pooped to do it now.

But, I am posting a picture that my Dad took while he was in town. I love the picture, so I hope you guys enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Doctor's appointment

Samuel and I went to his 2 week pediatrician appointment today. He is now 9 pounds and 1 ounce. He gained over a pound in one week. The doctor asked if I was giving him bottles or just breast feeding and I told him just breast feeding. He was very impressed. I guess I am doing well feeding the little one. Thank goodness. I was really worried about the whole breast feeding thing. There are so many unknowns. I wasn't sure if Samuel would latch on or if I would be able to do it. I am very grateful that it worked.

Dr. Dave said I need to try to stretch out his feedings now to every 3-4 hours instead of 2-3 hours. He said that will help extend his nighttime sleeping. Samuel slept for 3 almost 4 hours last night. I was in heaven. Even though I woke up several times to check on him, it was a very nice sleep.

Right how he is napping. I fed him around 11:30 and I am hoping to make it until 2:30 to feed him again. We will see. My boobs are killing me though. I feel like I need to feed him soon, but I am just going to have to wait. I have to start pumping soon. Dr. Dave said that I have to introduce a bottle soon, because he might now take it. I don't think it will be a problem because Samuel sucks on everything. I will keep you all updated on how the bottle feeding goes. I think it will be a good opportunity for Dave to have quality time with Samuel too and be able to feed him. I guess I am going to look into pumps soon. Anyone have suggestions?!

The hospital gave me a hand pumper, but I am not sure if there is a better one to get. Help!

I know I said I was going to post some pictures, but I haven't really gotten good ones lately. I will try to take a few this afternoon and maybe post one later. I want to get one when his eyes are open.

Lastly, did anyone else get a rash from the fetal and contraction monitors at the hospital? I have a rash all over my stomach and it has spread to my upper legs and hips. I went to my doctor on Monday and he said that he thought I had a reaction to the gel they used for those monitors. I am so itchy. If only I could get rid of this rash, then I can start walking again on the treadmill. I don't want to irritate the rash, so I have avoided exercising. They said I can start exercising since I didn't have a C-Section and the delivery went well. Any suggestions on how to rid of this rash? Hopefully it will go away soon.

I am off to check on the baby.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

All by ourselves

So all the family left this morning. Dave and I are now left alone with our new little baby. Pretty scary. I think I had the best 11 days ever, with my parents and Dave's parents in town to help out. It was such an easy transition from no baby to baby. Thank you Savta, Papa, Oma and Opa. This was really wonderful. I was so sad to have everyone leave.

So far Samuel has been wonderful today. He has only pooped in his pants twice since Oma left. He has been wide awake since 9 am this morning. Dave is holding him upstairs and he is probably asleep now.

I got on the scale this morning. I have lost 20 pounds since I had Samuel, but I am pretty far away from my normal weight before baby. I gained somewhere around 45-50 pounds while I was pregnant. Yes, I gained that much. It didn't really matter what I did. For the last month or so before my pregnancy I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day. I didn't have much of an appetite because there wasn't much room for my stomach, but I still managed to gain 1 to 2 pounds per week. I am still pretty swollen (my hands at least). I can't fit my rings on yet. I am trying to drink as much water as possible, but that is difficult to do lately. Hopefully I will just continue to slowly lose weight. I am not even going to worry about it. There are too many other things to think about.

I am very lucky that breast-feeding is going really well. I got a few blisters while I was in the hospital, but they are finally healed and now we are doing great. He is a very hungry boy and it eating like crazy. I will try to take a picture today or tomorrow and post it. His face is really filling out and he is looking more and more like Dave.

I am off to order pictures on Kodak. I need to start filling up my picture frames.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A new day

Yesterday Samuel had his Bris. As my family called it, he had his pee pee waked. It was a very emotional day. I was so nervous and freaking out. It was a very special ceremony. My grandfather came in town from Kansas City, as well as my Uncle Izzy and Aunt Kay. My parents were there, Dave's parents were there, Jonathan and Laura and Dee and Jessica. We also had photographers come about an hour earlier and we got some great pictures. I can't wait to see them all.

I wanted to wish Jamie and Josh a Happy belated Birthday on March 9th! I was thinking about you guys, but I didn't have time to write a Birthday wish until now.

Also, just in case I forget, I wanted to wish Sylvia a very Happy Birthday. I may forget to give you a call this weekend and I didn't want you to think I wasn't thinking about you.

Things are going well so far. Slowly I am getting used to my new sleeping schedule. It has been wonderful with all the help. My parents left this morning and it was very sad and hard to see them go. I know they will be back soon. But, the other grandmother is here until Sunday, so I know everything will be fine. It gives me a nice break, like right now to be able to check my email, download pictures and write on the blog.

I promise to start calling people back soon. I have just been so overwhelmed and tired that it is difficult for me to call everyone back. But thank you for all the phone calls and well wishes. I appreciate everyone.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Here is a picture from today

He is 6 days old.

It's a Boy!

So I am finally posting after the very eventful week last week.

We had a boy on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 2:40 p.m. His name is Samuel Emerson Glasser. He was 8 pounds exactly and was 21 and 1/4 inches long. He was 6 days early. Thank goodness. When we left the hospital on Friday he was 7 pounds 10 oz. We had his first pediatrician appointment yesterday and he now weights 7 pounds 14.5 oz. So he gained 4.5 oz in only 2 and a half days. That is amazing according to the ped., Dr. Dave. I am really lucky, he is feeding really well. He latches on wonderfully, almost too good because my left nipple is about to fall off. Oh well, it has only been a few days. Things are getting better, but the sleep hasn't. Actually today he is sleeping finally in his bed (at least for this nap).

So I just want everyone to know that I will probably be posting a picture a day starting on Monday because the grandparents will all be going home and they will want to see him everyday, so I am going to do my best to take a picture every morning and post it. It might be annoying for some people, but hey it is important for the grandparents to see him.

I am going to download some pictures right now. I might post a good one on the blog later and some of you might be getting an email with lots more pictures.

Talk to you all soon.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Bad weather on the way

The temperature has dropped substantially today. Yesterday it was beautiful and in the 70's, now it is low 30s and raining. Soon the rain to turn to sleet and then snow. They are predicting anywhere between 3-7 inches of snow tomorrow.

This weather is making me very tired and I have no motivation to do anything.

I read another book this morning. Belly Laughs, by Jenny McCarthy. It only took me a couple of hours to read it. It was pretty funny. All about the wonderful things to expect with pregnancy. It made me feel a little bit better about all the issues I had during this pregnancy. At least I am not alone.

I have really started to retain water. When Dave and I went on a walk this weekend, my fingers swelled up so big, they were huge sausages. They were gross. I looked at my hands this morning and they look normal now, but I can tell that I am retaining more water.

So I have one week until my due date. Thank goodness. This baby better come soon. I had no idea I could get this big.

I guess I am going to get on the treadmill again for at least 20 minutes. I am not sure if I have enough energy to go longer.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Well we made it through leap day, so now we are definitely having a March baby. Dave and I went on a 40 minute walk this afternoon. I think we may go to the Casino this afternoon. We trying to keep ourselves busy. I have about 100 more pages to go in the book I am reading and I really want to finish it today.

We may try to eat some spicy food tonight. Jamie, I don't think I will be trying sex, spicy food and an enema all at the same time! But, we will see how desperate we get in the next week or so.

Have a nice weekend everyone. I will post if we win big at the Casino.