Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I am just feeling annoyed lately. Not any really good reason, but I am.

I had a wonderful day at the spa on Monday and the massage was literally the best I have ever had, pregnant or not. She did a wonderful job and really worked on my right hip and back which helped a little bit with the pain I have been having. I am still hurting throughout the day, but the last few nights I have slept great and my back didn't hurt at all. I scheduled another massage in a few weeks. I figured the closer I get to delivery the better a massage will feel. Which speaking of delivery, I only have a little bit more to go. I will be 36 weeks on Sunday, so only 4 weeks to go.

I ran a ton of errands yesterday and did a lot of cleaning, which really wore me out. But I do feel much better about getting that stuff done. I went to Sam's and loaded up on all the household necessities, so we should be able to make it until after the baby is born.

I am pretty much prepared. I have made all my lists for everything and we are going to be packing our bags as best we can this weekend, just in case.

So you would think with all my preparation I would be in a great mood and enjoying my last few weeks with only one child, but I am just a cranky bitch. I don't want to talk to anyone, I would prefer to be snippy and mean. I want to go to bed early and I want to lay around and do nothing. By the way, while I am typing this I am getting a full foot up in my right ribs, it is awesome. The baby has really positioned itself straight down, so the feet are way up in my ribs. I am ready for it to drop a little bit more. Something positive is that I continue to stay around the 30 pound gained mark. I gain and lose a few pounds every few days. I have a lot of water weight, but I haven't really gone over 31 pounds. This is great since I believe at this point in my my pregnancy with Samuel I gained probably 45 pounds.

I am going to go now and be irritated and try to read a little bit. I think in about a week or two I will enter the stage of "if I don't get this baby out now, I will kill every person that I encounter." I am not quite there yet.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever considered expressing gratitude for your healthy family? You are so blessed but coninue to complain.....that's so sad!

Sarah said...

Who are you and why do you continue to post without leaving your name?

Anonymous said...

I agree, it is just as easy to be happy as it is to be annoyed. Actually I think it takes even less energy to feel happiness.

Sarah said...

If you don't like what I write then don't read my blog. This is my place to express myself and I certainly don't give a damn what anyone thinks.

Mom said...

Those of us who really know you are aware that this is how you release your stress and we love you just the way you are. Keep on letting us know exactly how you feel, even if it is good or bad. We all know you love us and you are grateful for your family.

Don't let these comments bother you because they don't have any idea of how wonderful you are.

Anonymous said...

Sarah, keem em coming. I think you are too funny. I dont take it seriouly at all and I barley know you. Have you thought to go to a chiropractor...maybe that would help with your back pain- to get an adjustment. Just a thought. Thanks for the recipie today, I have having 10 girls over for girls night out and i am cooking that as one of my app's. I am shocked someone has the nerve to post let alone read your blog if you don't know them. I got the address from your hubby, and now I'm hooked! Is there a way to only let people you know read like facebook... i have no idea. But I love your blog and can't wait to read the book your writing. I will be the first to BUY it, your are great at expressing your thoughts!!! Amie

Charisa said...

I've learned that people who leave negative comments feed on your attention. Ignore them and maybe they'll go away. It sucks, but that's part of the deal with a public blog. If it gets too bad don't allow anon. comments or opt to make your blog private.

That being said, I agree with your mom. We who know you know that you're just venting and thankful for all that you have. Hope you start feeling better soon. Focus on what solo time you have left with Samuel and enjoy it!

megan said...

xoxoxoxo. Don't let the negative peeps get you down. You're awesome and you're allowed to vent and let off your excess steam. Those of us who know you love you no matter what. :)

I hope you've shaken the crankies and are having a fabulous day! talk to you soon!

Paula said...

Don't let the anonymous posters bother you. Obviously they read your blog and can tell how absolutely crazy you are about your family. You are cute as a button raging pregnancy hormones and all!

Paula :0)

P.S. Not knowing the sex of the baby is killing me!