Saturday, January 10, 2009

What a week for Samuel

After I posted this morning, Samuel started to act not his normal happy laughable self.  When Dave tried to change him into his clothes this morning, he threw the biggest fit and cried for a really long time until I rocked him and fed him to calm him down.  While I was doing that I told Dave to call the doctor and see if we could come in because he just wasn't acting normal.  Plus he started to cough a lot this morning and his nose was running like crazy.

We went to the doctor and to our surprise the doctor said he had a terrible ear infection.  I can't believe it.  I can't believe I didn't notice something earlier.  He wasn't acting that terrible or pulling his ear or anything like that.  He was just a little bit crankier then normal.  

As I was putting Samuel in his car seat after the doctor's appointment, he was screaming and crying and I noticed that another one of his bottom teeth poked through today.  No one he woke up twice in the middle of the night last night.  He had a tooth coming through and an ear infection.  

So to wrap up Samuel's week:

Monday: He went to day care at the gym.
Tuesday: He went to Stay and Play.  Then he face planted into the TV stand.
Wednesday:  Huge bruise on the head and got two shots at the doctor.
Thursday:  Coughing and runny nose.
Friday: Coughing, runny nose and woke up several times throughout the night.
Saturday: Doctor's appointment, Ear infection and new tooth came through.  

Now that is quite a week for a 10 month old!

1 comment:

megan said...

oh my gosh, that is awful! poor Samuel!!! Poor you! I hope he's feeling better and next week is much less exciting (in a good way!) for all of you!