Lets see, just to recap on the last few weeks:
1. We had a great time at John and Monica's wedding and it was so wonderful to see and hang out with all of our friends.
2. Samuel now has 6 teeth, three on top and three on bottom. Not sure if more are on the way. I hope not.
3. Dave got very sick and then gave me the sickness last Monday. Savta and Papa were in town, so they were able to help out and take care of Samuel, thank goodness.
4. Thanksgiving was wonderful with everyone in town (however we did miss very much Oma and Opa). Samuel ate turkey, mashed potatoes, broccoli cheese casserole and loved it. Samuel loves giving kisses to everyone, especially Uncle Jonathan (some pictures below).
5. Dave and I went holiday shopping and I think we are completely done with everyone. It is so nice to be done so early. Now all I have to do is wrap everything, which I am going to start doing in a few minutes. (Still need to do a little bit of shopping for Dave though. Hard to do it with him around. He did however buy me my holiday gift. I got a new MacBook. Love it! Thanks honey!)
6. Decided we are not setting up the Christmas tree this year. Samuel is way too mobile and active and I don't feel like having to deal with keeping him out of the tree. He won't remember anyway.
7. Samuel has outgrown all his 12 month sleepers, so we are now in 18 month sleepers. I can't believe how fast he is growing.
Picture of the group at John and Monica's Wedding:
Samuel in his new pajamas. (Thanks Savta, he loves his new pjs.)
so jealous that you're done with shopping. thanks for sending the wedding pics - so many good ones! glad to hear that you guys are feeling better!
Samuel kissing Jonathan is so cute! :) I am also jealous that you have done all your Christmas shopping...I haven't even started! I am always a procrastinator when it comes to that!
Hope you guys have a good week!
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