Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's Wednesday

So it is Wednesday and I know you all know that, but I can't believe the week is already halfway over.  I'm exhausted.  Dave had the day off yesterday and it would have been nice and relaxing except for the fact that Samuel has not been sleeping the last few nights.  I'm not sure what the deal is, but he throws a fit at about 11:30 pm.  He screams and screams.  He will not calm down when Dave goes in there, so I have to go in and normally feed him to calm him down.  This isn't just a cranky waking up, it is an out of control screaming and crying fit.  Last night every time we went in he was sitting up in his crib, screaming and crying.  

He is supposed to go in today for a few more shots, but I changed his appointment so that we could see the doctor.  I want them to make sure he doesn't have an ear infection or something.  I don't know if he is trying to cut more teeth or what, but his behavior is out of control.  If he doesn't have an ear infection (which I really hope he doesn't) he is going to not be happy tonight, but I am going to let his ass cry himself back to sleep.  This is getting ridiculous.

Both Dave and I are so tired.  Anyway, I am going to shower and get ready to take him to the doctor.    


Anonymous said...

I love that you tell it like it is: "I am going to let his ass cry himself back to sleep" :)
Hope it gets better soon!!!

Charisa said...

What a nightmare! Hopefully the doctor can help and you guys can get some sleep! I'm sure you know, but just wanted to remind you that Top Chef starts tonight. I'm looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Samuel is just like you were! You didn't sleep all night until you were 10 months old. Only 2 more months to go!