Saturday, September 26, 2009

Yucky Weekend

We had planned to go apple picking again this morning because Eckert's is having their Applefest this weekend. Dave woke up at 4 am sick. When I felt his head at about 6:15 he was burning hot. Needless to say we had to cancel our plans for apple picking.

I was also going to make chicken wings tonight because Dave has been craving them for at least a week now, but he said he is not interested at all. I can understand, they will probably upset his stomach even more.

We went out for Mexican food last night. I had really been craving it and I thought the food settled fine, but I am not sure if the baby liked it or not but it kicked the crap out of me last night. I haven't really been feeling the baby much at all. A little movement here and there, but last night it was going crazy. I think Dave has felt the baby only a couple of times, but last night even he was amazed at how much it was kicking. I was dreaming about having a baby boy and it was kicking me like crazy and then I woke up and realized it really was kicking me. As I sit here right now writing, it is still kicking me. Not sure what the deal is.

So we aren't sure if the Mexican food is what made Dave sick or what, but he is still in bed. It is going to be a long day for me. It just started drizzling outside, so that doesn't help with my plans to go for a walk and take Samuel to the park. I guess we are just going to have to go grocery shopping.

I can't sit around the house all day long. Well, I am off to play with Samuel.


Charisa said...

Hope Dave starts feeling better soon! No sickness around here yet, but we all ate different things last night. Hopefully it passes quickly!

Sarah said...

I hope so too. I am glad to hear no one is sick at your house. I told Dave to call this morning to see. Maybe he just picked up something. Have fun today at Jack's birthday party.

megan said...

poor Dave! I hope he feels better asap.