Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Need Sleep

It has been a very crazy few days.  On Sunday we were coming home from Las Vegas.  Our flight was supposed to leave at 11:35 am, we didn't get on the plane until a little after 1 pm.  We sat on the plane and on the runway until a little after 2 pm.  The plane was super hot, it was waaay past Samuel's nap time and the flight was completely full.  We thought that we were going to be leaving Vegas at 11:35 (1:35 our time) and then arriving in St. Louis around 5 pm, so the whole trip was only going to last about 4 hours.  Well, the whole trip lasted about 8 hours.  We didn't get into St. Louis until 7 pm.  Here was the problem...I only brought 4 diapers in the diaper bag.  Normally Samuel only poops 2 times a day.  For some reason on Sunday he decided to poop 4 times.  It was miserable.  We ran out of diapers.  I had to put one of his burp clothes in his diaper, then it busted out all over.  It was absolutely disgusting. Dave and I both had to change him in the plane bathroom, which is totally not suitable.  It was miserable.  

When we got home on Sunday night, Dave said he wasn't feeling great.  When he woke up in the morning he asked me to feel his head and it was burning hot.  He has had a fever off and on since Monday morning.  Now he has a sore throat.  I am trying to fight off a cold myself.

Then on Monday afternoon my mom called me and said that they were heading to Kansas City because the doctor didn't think that my grandmother (Bube) was going to make it through the night.  My brother, Samuel and I started driving around 7:45 pm to get there.  We got in around 11:30 pm.  Bube was completely out of it and didn't recognize us at all.  She made it through the night and when we went to the hospital this morning she was sitting up, lucid and recognized everyone.  The doctor said that he thought she was stable, so we headed back to St. Louis.  

Then tonight I had a meeting at Woman's Place from 5:30 to 7:30.  I am so exhausted now.  I needed some time to wind down before going to bed.  It has been a crazy week and it is only Tuesday night.  

I am going to finish watching a little bit of The Biggest Loser and then I am going to bed.


megan said...

I am so sorry to hear about your grandma!!! Thank goodness she's doing better now. And your trip back sounds like it was tortuous.

I'm watching BL too. :) Get some rest!!

Charisa said...

You guys have been through so much! Glad to hear that Bube is doing better. Hope you guys get some much needed rest!

markandandrea said...

Oh, everything sounds like it was just so miserable! Feel better! We'll be back in a week to have fun again.