Monday, November 2, 2009

Long weekend and Halloween (Long Post)

We had a really long great weekend. So Samuel and I got to Tulsa on Wednesday. I am so happy with left on Wednesday because Thursday both Tulsa and St. Louis got so much rain. I would have been miserable driving by myself with Samuel and George for 6 hours. On our way up to Tulsa, Samuel and I stopped at Subway for lunch. He loves cheddar Sun Chips, but he will no long be getting those until he is much older. We were eating lunch enjoying our sandwiches and a few chips. Samuel took a small chip and started eating it and then he started gaging. His grabbed on to me and his face started turning red and he was grasping for air. I started banging on his back and it wasn't working, so I threw him over my legs and banged really hard on his back and then he started crying and the chip came out. I basically had a heart attack. When I looked up the restaurant (which was full) was all looking at us and I guess we was a nurse or doctor (she had a stethoscope around her neck) was right behind me. She asked if I was okay and I was fine at that point. Thank goodness there was a medical professional around just in case.
So I thought we needed to pack up and leave, but even though Samuel almost chocked to death, he wouldn't let me throw away his food. He proceeded to eat the rest of his sandwich and wanted to eat some of mine too. By the time we got back on the road, I was exhausted.

We finally got to Tulsa and relaxed on Wednesday night. On Thursday we didn't do too much because of the torrential downpour of rain.

On Friday, my dad took off work and he and Samuel carved a pumpkin. Samuel had no idea what was going on at first and was so scared to put his hand in the pumpkin, but once he did, we couldn't get his hands out of it. Once we got all the stuff out of the pumpkin, Samuel put it back in so he could take it out again. Over all he did a great job and loved it. Now he won't stop saying pumpkin.

On Saturday, my Dad and I did the 5K Tulsa Run (my mom did the 15K). I had initially wanted to do the 15K, but I am so happy I didn't. I was tired after the 5K, plus there was a really big hill at the end which wore me out.

After the Tulsa Run we went to Boohaha which is an event on Cherry Street in Tulsa where all the businesses give out candy to kids in the early to late afternoon and then they have a big Halloween parade. We missed the candy part, but we hit up the parade. Once Samuel woke up from his nap he really enjoyed watching all the crazy people during the parade.

Halloween night was a blast. Samuel loved his costume and did not want to take it off. Plus he loved holding his basket. He carried it around the whole neighborhood. After the first house, he knew exactly what to do to get candy. He was doing a pretty good job of saying trick or treat. It was really cute and I can't wait for next year already. It is going to be even more fun.

Yesterday we headed home, which was sad because we had a great time in Tulsa.

Oh one last thing. We are pretty sure Samuel said his first curse word this weekend. Samuel had been eating in the kitchen and my mom gave him his cup. I asked her if it was his juice or milk. She said it was his juice. I said "Well, you should have given him the milk." Samuel looked at her with a look like, yeah what were you thinking. Then he looked at his cup with juice and threw it on the floor and said "Fuck".

Now, we all think we heard him say exactly that. He used it in the proper context and everything. I know that I now need to really start watching my language.

Here are a lot of pictures below:

He preferred to eat the pumpkin at first:
What is inside?

Checking to make sure it is okay for him to put his hand in:

Finished product:

Getting ready for the Tulsa Run:

Shaving with his Papa:

He feel asleep on the way to the parade:
Up and enjoying and the parade:

Getting ready to go Trick or Treat:

Heading out the door:

Walking to the first house:

Heading home:


megan said...

OY, that made me laugh out loud!!!! I love it. Sounds like a very fun weekend!! What did Dave do all weekend without you guys? So glad you guys had a great time. And wow, the Sun Chip incident sounds horrible! You must have been so scared. Thank goodness you moved so quickly!!! Good mama. :)

Flower Girl said...

OMG. those are the cutest pictures i have ever seen. i agree with megan too about the sun chip incident. i was holding my breath when i was reading... yikes.
miss you, talk soon, xoxo kate

markandandrea said...

You know, Taylor says "duck" for milk now, so there is a slight possibility Samuel was really saying "yeah, I preferred milk too" when he through the cup down.

In any case, sounds like a great trip. Let's meet up tomorrow!

Charity said...

Cute pictures! Looks like everyone had a Happy Halloween!