Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sleeping In

Before we had Samuel, we could sleep in until 9 at least, no problem. Then when we had Samuel at first we weren't sleeping at all and sleeping in was 5 am or 6 am. Samuel finally became a wonderful sleeper and normally sleeps until 7 or later. It is now 8:15 and he is still asleep and as you can see I am up. I have actually been up for the last hour and a half, wide awake. Why can't I sleep in? I really wish I could enjoy sleeping and relaxing in my bed, but once I start to stir, I can't stop thinking about things. I start thinking about what I need to do for the day, what we need to do for the house, are we going to sell our house, where are we going to move, what I am I going to buy for the baby room, what do I need to get done for the day, anyway the list goes on and on and I can't stop. It has been back this last week because I have been waking up and needing to go to the bathroom at around 5 and then I can't go back to sleep.

Last night we hung out with Charisa, Justin, Vance and Vaughn. Dave and I desperately needed a night out where we had adult time. The evening went by way too quickly for us. Samuel had a blast and ran and followed everything that Vance did. Samuel and ran after Vance so much that he broke out in a sweat. He fell asleep on the way home from their house and then didn't even move when we transferred him to his bed. So nice!

I spoke too soon. He is up. Dave is going to deal with him though. It is nice to have a weekend.

1 comment:

Flower Girl said...

oh man, maybe we could do "mom swap." anabelle woke up screaming at 5:30 this morning, and allll i wanted in life was to stay snuggled up in our warm bed. instead she was bouncing all over us, lifting up the covers, squawking...
i am so tired, and i seem to be glued to the computer instead of taking a nap.