Thursday, October 1, 2009


I am completely embarrassed. No I am horrified, mortified, disgusted and I wish I had more adjectives to describe how completely and utterly mortified I felt about 20 minutes ago. I wish someone had a blanket I could crawl under or a box a could crawl in or just a quick escape.

I am totally that mother of a ridiculously misbehaved child. Samuel usually is loud at restaurants, sometimes at the mall, but never at the grocery store. He is usually great. He loves going with me. Well, today after his music class I had to run to Whole Foods. I knew I would be cutting it close to his lunch time, but I didn't have any other time to go today and since we were out, I thought I would be able to run in and get a few things and leave.

Everything was fine, some guy that worked at Whole Foods actually commented that Samuel was the best behaved baby in the store that day because it seemed like all the kids were in a bad mood. Samuel was waving and smiling and everyone. Then we get to the check out line, Samuel is smiling and waving to the little girl in line in front of us. Finally it is our turn to start loading the groceries onto the belt. Samuel reached for his waffles and I told him no he could have them later.

Then he unleashed the loudest longest scream I have ever heard in my life coming from anyone, including actors in scary movies. He clenched his hands, he face turned red and he had taken in the biggest breath before he began screaming. The entire store stopped in their tracks and stared. I tried covering up his mouth and telling him to stop and be quiet and the screaming continued. It was still quite loud even with my hand over his mouth. I thought he was done, so I let my hand go from his mouth and more screaming continued. He finally stopped after about a minute and I am not kidding you it was about that long. It was like the whole world stopped because his scream was so loud. The guy behind the pizza counter started clapping when he finished screaming and said "Good lungs! Good lungs!"

I was completely mortified. My face turned bright red and I didn't know what to do. I just apologized to the people around me. Some people asked if he was okay and Samuel's response was to wave at everyone with a big smile on his face.

I couldn't have been more embarrassed.

What could I have done? Please give me suggestions, if anyone has any. This is very out of the ordinary, but still, I don't want a repeat performance any time soon. Help!

I am going to relax my fast beating heart and throw Samuel in bed for a nap soon. I don't think I can handle much more of him today.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I am sick because these are the posts I LOVE. You are SO funny. This is NORMAL for a 2 yr old who did not get his way. They are unable to express themselves when truly frustrated... Don't worry your not doing anything wrong and other than beating him into submission it will happen again. Strap on, number 2 is almost here. Your a great mom. He will grow out of this...but thanks for posting...I still have a smile on my face. Amie

Anonymous said...

Oh this is great to hear...and I appreciate your friend Amie's insight to our reality as being quite normal. Because while we love our children to death, I have just this weekend asked my mom if she too ever thought she was raising wild animals. I am still cracking up, but only because this weekend I was crying about it all. I want to have a happy, well adjusted child and I am so worried he will be a crazy, out of control brat right now. I am guessing the fact that we realize this and will do our best to avoid it at all costs is eventually what will get us good kids. I love this post so much!!!!! I feel such a sense of relief. I am so sorry for your embarrasement, but I know Rowan would be giving Samuel a high-five for it. :) (Do you think Baby #2 is in there going what the hell is that? And why can't you do something with him?)

megan said...

I know this isn't funny to you yet but this post made me LOL. :)

Anonymous said...

by no means is this a reflection of the wonderful parent that you are....Samuel was just trying to exert his feelings. Can't reason yet with one so young....It made me laugh too. This problem will seem so small 10 years from now.