Friday, May 22, 2009

Ready for the weekend...

Although it has been really warm here, the last few days have had a nice breeze, so I have opened the windows in the house.  Yesterday, Samuel and George thought it was the coolest thing to have the windows open and they sat by the window for a really long time in the morning.  I couldn't grab the camera fast enough to get a picture of Samuel with his arm around George, but I did get these few really cute pictures.  

Last Sunday, Samuel was taking a nap, which lasted about 3 and a half hours.  When Dave went to get him from his crib, he had cut his eye and had a black eye.  I don't know who snuck into his room and punched him in the face, but it was pretty amazing.  It looks much better now, but here is the end of the black eye:

Just a random picture:

Off for my run.


megan said...

so cute!!! :) I love that they just stood there looking out the window.

I'm around all weekend - let's try to chat for a few minutes! :)

Sarah said...

Sounds good to me. I will call you.