Thursday, February 26, 2009

Another Doctor's Appointment

I took Samuel to the doctor again this morning because he has had a cough for a while.  Everything is fine, he just has a little bit of a cold.  No ear infections thank goodness.  Nothing is really wrong with him except he has to get rid of that cough.  

We were very disappointed by Top Chef last night.  Dave swears that he will never watch the show again because he hated Hosea so much.  I am mad at Carla for listening to Casey.  Dude she didn't win, so why would you listen to her.  Anyway, we are a little bitter in the Glasser household.  

I am off to make a grocery list.

One week from today Samuel will be 1.  Crazy.


megan said...

I can't believe Samuel is almost one. INSANE!!! Do you know of anything he wants for his birthday? :)

megan said...

Meant to say also that I hope Samuel feels better soon! Sorry to hear he hasn't been "a-hundo" (as one of my friends here likes to say).

Sarah said...

Thanks for the well wishes. He is acting fine, if only he would get rid of that stupid cough. I don't think Samuel needs anything for his birthday, but thank you so much for thinking about that. Dave and I don't even know what we are going to get him yet. I guess we should go shopping this weekend.