Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Potty Time and Food Time

I know the caption above doesn't really go together, but Potty Time and Food Time are the two things that have consumed my life for the past 48 hours.

Since were out of town last week, I didn't really do much cooking. Even though we didn't eat out much, I have been wanting some home cooking.

I have been making some pretty yummy stuff.

Sunday: Stir Fry Veggies with Brown Rice
Monday: Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce, Brown Rice and Fresh Green Beans
Tonight: Homemade Meatballs and Whole Wheat Pasta, Spinach Salad and Bread with Goat Cheese, Fresh Thyme and Honey (you put the goat cheese and thyme on the bread and drizzle with honey and then broil it in the oven. It is delicious).

I have never made homemade meat balls before. If they taste good tonight I will post the recipe.

I haven't decided what I am going to make the rest of the week, but when I do I will post it.

On the potty front, Samuel has been going pee pee in the potty (and doing his dance) almost everyday. I never ask him if he wants to go, he just pats his pants and says Mom and then runs to the bathroom. He has a potty seat in the downstairs bathroom that sits on top of the regular toilet and then a little potty in his upstairs bathroom. He gets so excited to go. I am letting him take the lead. I don't want to put any pressure on him to go. Today he was going so much and he threw a fit when I tried to put a diaper on him. So I asked him if he wanted his Big Boy underwear (they are just cotton training underwear). He got so excited and went straight to the dresser where I keep them. I took some pictures because he was super happy with himself:

I told him to try to tell me when he needed to go potty and he did, but only after he had gone potty in the underwear. No big deal except I only have two pairs. So when he peed in both of them I wanted to throw them in the washer. He wasn't happy at all, until I told him that they would be clean by the time he woke up from his nap. He put them in the washing machine and was satisfied.

I was in a picture taking mood today, so here are a few more of Samuel:


megan said...

OMG I love the pics!! So funny. I am so impressed with the potty training! Wow, what a big boy.

The food pat of your post made me hungry. It all sounds delish!

Charisa said...

That's awesome! Buy some Pull Ups, they're easier to get up and down.

Anonymous said...

Glad your back to posting. I was going thru withdrawls. I so love it when you write the ups and downs of being a mommy!!! Like Charisa said, get pull ups, but be sure to get the ones that have a velcro like sides, much easier to take off when you have a #2. Trust me on this one. Your food sound so good to me too. I have a great meatball recipie if you want it. Also, I find that baking them in the oven turns out much better than pan frying. I know you watch Dinners Drive Inns and Dives. Most of those rest's bake in oven too. Have a great week, Amie

Anonymous said...

I am super impressed with Samuel and the potty, can you have him give Rowan a call? Rowan likes to tell me what you do in the bathroom and how to do it all, but I haven't had him try it yet. Go Samuel!!!