Thursday, January 17, 2008

I had my doctor's appointment yesterday. I gained 2 pounds. Oh well. I don't freaking care anymore. I only have 7 more weeks to go. I am 33 weeks tomorrow. This is so exciting.

I slept in our bed last night and only peed 3 times. My last potty break was at 2:30 and then I slept until 6:15. So that was very good. I feel so tired today though because that was the most sleep I have gotten in at least a week. The baby has begun to like getting in a ball right under my right rib cage. When I am sleeping or just sitting, I have a huge purtruding hard ball under my rib cage. It is gross and it hurts like hell. I want it to move down.

I had a meeting this morning for the Advisory Board I am on with Woman's Place (a domestic violence organization). Anyway, we were in the middle of the meeting and the baby kicked me so hard in the middle of my ribs, I literrally jumped. It hurt so badly. I think I may be bruised because of that one.

It will be nice when the baby drops a little bit more because then it will relieve some pressure in my ribs.

I am waiting for the contractor guy to come to the house to give me an estimate of what it will cost to put a light in our nursery. There isn't a light in the room and I really don't want to buy a bunch of lamps, so I am anxiously awaiting his arrival. The I have to figure out what I am going to make for dinner, go to the grocery store, then I have a hair cut at 3:30pm. Then I am going to my old office (maybe) because there is a going away party. I really want to go, but I don't know if I wil have time because then we have to be at our birthing class tonight.

By the way, did I mention that we saw a video of a birth about a week ago. Holy shit! Dave was freaking out and it kind of grossed me out too. Not the whole birth thing, but the video. We were watching her labor and the camera was on her face and her husband's face and everything was fine. They were showing how she was controlling her labor and her relaxation techniches, then the doctor came in to tell her that everything was going great and she should probably get ready to push and then all of the sudden it went from a shot of thier faces directly to a vagina shot. I mean full on. I just about died. If they had scanned down and explained what they were about to show, I might have been okay, but it was just in your face. That was the distrubing part. Then they showed the baby being born and the other girl in the class and I were crying. It was like an overhwleming flood of emotion. The girls were crying and the husbands looked like they were about to pass out. It was a great class. Just thought I would share it with all of you too.

I'm out.

1 comment:

Charisa said...

one of the best things we did was to put a dimmer on vance's main light in his room. middle of the night diaper changes and feedings are easier when you don't have to stumble into a dark room feeling around for a lamp. and now, even though he's 2.5 we still use it. a dim light for pj's and bedtime stories helps calms him down. it has made everything so much easier. i highly recommend it.

justin has to work from one of the STL locations - that's why we're coming back for a few days. so, unfortunately he'll be working and i think he already has a dinner thing on monday night. too bad! that would have been fun!

hope that baby lays off your ribs today!