Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pediatrician, Work...

So our lives have been boring for the past weekend. I didn't feel well all weekend, so I basically sat around and relaxed. It was very nice. I pulled out work to do on Sunday and then I said screw it, I am quitting December 31st, so why should I do work on the weekends. Whatever is left after I leave is not my problem.

Today has actually been interesting. We interviewed our first Pediatrician, Dr. David Hartenbach. He was a very nice bald man and an extremely fast talker. I almost had a hard time keeping up with him because he was going a mile a minute. But, he did cover a lot of information. He has three kids, so I guess not only is he a good pediatrician, but he has experience too. I like his opinion about breastfeeding, sleeping, pacifiers, etc. I may want to interview another pediatrician, just to see if we like someone better, but I really liked him.

Anyone have any suggestions for other pediatricians in the St. Louis area?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a peditrician for you.