Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thank goodness

I was so happy that this past weekend came when it did. We actually had a wonderful weekend. Being able to double team Samuel was great. Saturday was full of errands and a birthday party (Happy Birthday (yesterday) to Vaughn!) Then Sunday was pretty relaxing. We went for a walk into Old Webster and ate lunch with the boys. We ate at a restaurant near the train tracks and luckily for us a train went by, so Samuel was super excited. On our way back home Samuel fell asleep in the stroller which has never ever happened. So we put him in his bed around 12:30 and he slept until around 3:30. Once he was up and moving we headed to the park, wore Samuel out, ate dinner and he was out early. It was a wonderfully nice weekend.

The week has started off nicely too. Yesterday I was so busy from the moment I got up. I forgot how easy it is to run errands and be able to attend a meeting with just one little baby. Joseph is so easy and predictable.

Last night Joseph slept from 7:40 pm to 6 am. I couldn't ask for anything better then that. I need my energy for when Samuel wakes up, which is starting to happen right now. Last night when I was putting him to bed he asked me if we could have pancakes and eggs for breakfast. He is so my son. There couldn't be a better breakfast then pancakes and eggs. He also told me that he wanted to wear his buzz undies today. I really hope the day goes well. I am keeping my fingers crossed.


markandandrea said...

Hurray for a good weekend. You needed a break from all that wild behavior!

Anonymous said...

It does my heart good to hear about you guys taking care of the boys together. I'm very proud