Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Some free time

I had a whole day alone with the boys today. Dave had a work even tonight, so I was all alone ALL day. It is 9pm and I finally have some time alone. It is so nice and quiet. Today was a very trying day. I don't know if my patience level for Samuel is getting shorter or if he is just getting more and more difficult. Today, since I knew I would be alone all day and night I wanted to get out of the house. I figured we would go to Trader Joes, return movies (rent another one for Samuel for tonight), go to the park and then have a picnic on our porch. The only thing that happened today was going to Trader Joes.

Joseph slept in until almost 8:45 this morning, so Samuel and I had some alone quality time together which was wonderful. We ate breakfast and just relaxed. Once Joseph got up I fed him and we all got dressed to head to Trader Joes. I really needed to get some stuff there, but I also like to go there because they have little carts that kids can push around. Samuel usually LOVES pushing them around and helping me grocery shop. He actually did a great job and only put one thing in the cart that I didn't want to buy which was chocolate chip peanut butter cookies. Even though we didn't need them and normally I don't buy things that he just slips in the cart, I decided I would let this one go, since they looked so good.

Anyway, Samuel was being great and for once Joseph was terrible. He screamed and cried almost the entire time we were in the store. I think he was tired and just couldn't fall asleep, but he was terrible. I was trying to rush to get everything with needed, while letting Samuel push the cart and listening to Joseph screaming. I was getting more and more stressed out by the moment. While we were in the check out line, Samuel helped unload all the groceries which totally irritated the check out guy. I don't know what his problem was, but the last time I went to Trader Joes he checked me out as well and he was super annoyed with Samuel then too because was helping with the groceries and naming everything.

After Samuel unloaded all the groceries and the guy was putting him in the bag, Samuel went and put the cart back where it was supposed to go at the front of the store and then he immediately returned to my side, which was I thankful and impressed. I thought things were going fine, except for the fact that Joseph was still screaming non-stop. But then all of the sudden Samuel totally lost it. He was grabbing at everything, trying to climb on another cart and then when I told him to stop, he took off running OUT OF THE STORE. Here I am with a screaming baby, a cart full of groceries and I have to leave them all in the check out line to run after Samuel out of the building. I grabbed him and yelled at him and he was laughing like it was a fun game. I carried him back into the store and another check out lady said she would help me to car because it was obvious that Samuel was completely out of control. Thank goodness for this lady. She said that she had two kids that were 18 months apart and she had to deal with this kind of situation all the time when her kids were younger and she knows how difficult it can be.

ADVICE: How would you have handled this situation? I don't care what your feelings are on spanking (you can spank if you want to, it is fine with me), but I will not spank, but today I was so close to it when Samuel ran out of the store. It wasn't like I could put him into timeout. I was very stern with him and told him no (I had additional words with him too), but I just don't know how to deal with a situation like this. It is more then him not listening to me, it has a lot to do with his safety. It isn't like I am going to stop going to the grocery store. I have to get out of the house. Please help, any advice would be appreciated.

Needless to say, Trader Joes was the only errand we ran today. We did go on a walk this afternoon and this evening wasn't the easiest, but I gave the boys both baths and put them to bed and everyone survived, so I feel like we ended the day successfully.

I am going to head to bed soon for some reading time and more relaxation.


Charisa said...

I think it's important to note that this isn't just happening to you. This day happens way too frequently to many of us! How great that the lady helped you to the car!

Like you said, Samuel is usually good at TJ's. Who knows why he was off today. Maybe because he's 2 and he's still figuring out having Joseph around & wants some attention too. I think I would have handled it like you did. I would have have yelled in the midst of the situation to show him how serious you are and then talk about it in the car immediately afterwards. That's not how we behave and tell him next time you go back he may not get to push the cart at all, that sort of thing. Next time you go back remind him of the rules and the consequences before you go into the store. (Last time I was there the checker was annoyed with Vaughn helping too. I think all the kid-friendly people are there on the weekends.)

I'm having the same issues with Vaughn and it makes me feel as if I'm a prisoner at home because I can't take her anywhere. I've been trying to do Target runs and grocery shopping at night while J is home with the kids and saving the "fun" stuff like the park during the day. I don't like doing errands at night but it makes the day so much more enjoyable to not have to battle her at the store. If I have to take her out I pack a snack, a sucker, and hurry. I really do think it's their age and the stage they're in. Especially when they're as independent as she and Samuel are!

Hang in there! Sorry you had a rough day all by yourself and hope tomorrow is better! Remind yourself that you're lucky that Dave doesn't travel on a regular basis and normally gets home at a decent hour thru the week! So many have it far worse off!

Nicki said...

OMG! I feel your pain. Brody has been terrible the last week or so. He is not listening at all and he is constantly telling me no and then throwing a fit. It is so frustrating and I am not sure how to get him to listen. We do time out, and I have to say, we have spanked him a couple of times, which has definitely gotten his attention, but I really don't want to do that. Especially since he is in a hitting stage and I am being a bit hypocritical for hitting him when he hits! I keep reminding myself that he is 2 and this too shall pass, but sometimes, it is really tiring. The past two mornings, I have been rushing around because he has thrown fits when I am trying to get him ready and off to school.

The only saving grace for me is that Molly is so good so she is low maintenance right now, which is such a blessing. I am not sure what I would do with two high maintenance children. But, it is like the song says, we are going to miss this when they get older. My girlfriend reminds me of that all the time. Her kids are 18 months apart and she said it was a bit rough, but she misses her kids as babies. Considering that Molly is probably our last, I am trying to take it all in and see the positives realizing that before I know it, they are going to be all grown up!

If you hear of any advice, please pass it along my way. Know that you are not alone! :)

Sarah said...

Thank you for your comments Charisa and Nicki.

I think you may be right Charisa, I should probably just eliminate the stress and go to the store when Dave is home to watch the boys. I think yesterday was just bad because Joseph was uncharacteristically cranky and it took the attention from Samuel so he decided to misbehave. But Samuel is just so unpredictable. I too feel like a prisoner at home because it is just really hard right now to get out of the house and do things.

For me going to the park is difficult too because I have to put Joseph in my carrier and it is just hard to run after Samuel with a baby strapped to me.

I know this difficult time will pass and I agree with Nicki that I need to focus on all the positives, but boy is it hard lately.

I can't imagine how hard it must be when your spouses travel. I really sympathize with you both. You guys are awesome to do this for extended periods of time without your husbands home!

It makes me feel better to hear from you guys. It is nice not to be alone.

Charisa said...

Oh, you just reminded me of Vaughn's first summer alive - the park was a nightmare! It actually still is a hard place to go! Keeping an eye on Vance while following Vaughn around is tough! Everything is going to be hard for awhile! When does Samuel start school??? :)

I know you're too worn out to get creative, but look around online for ideas to keep Samuel busy at home and outdoors this summer - might be a good alternative to the park. Buy a storage container that's made to go under a bed (the shallow and wide ones) and fill is with sand or even uncooked macaroni noodles and let Samuel drive trucks through it. (Cleaner alternative to a sandbox - throw the lid on and put it away when done). A fun sprinkler, sidewalk chalk, that sort of thing. Vance and I go crazy being confined to the house while Vaughn naps in the afternoon, but it helps to think outside the box.