Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My little Actor and Check Up

We went to the doctor this morning for Samuel's 2 year check up. He is a very big boy. Here are the stats:

Height: 36.25 in (91%)
Weight: 35 lbs (>97%)
Technically his BMI indicates that he overweight because he is in the 91%, but the doctor doesn't think he is. He is actually really really skinny right now. I feel like he is growing everyday.

I am pretty tired today. I didn't sleep so great last night. My boobs are killing me. Joseph is a great eater, but he really only eats on one boob at a time and refuses to continue eating on the other one. So one night of him refusing to eat off of my right boob caused another clogged milk duct and I am in terrible pain. I spent part of the night with a heating pad on my boob and trying to make him eat off of that boob, then I had to pump my left boob. It was a really long night. Then both Samuel and Joseph woke up at 7:15. So I had to hurry and brush my teeth and get dressed before I ran to get the boys ready for the day. Then we were out of the house by 9 to go to the doctor. Joseph has been screaming all morning long. Right now he is actually quiet, which is such a nice break.

Now that Samuel is in bed I am going to check my email, finish doing laundry and hopefully shower before he is up again. Dave and I were planning to go to our first workout class in a long time. It is a PUMP class and I have really been looking forward to going, but my boob hurts so badly, there is no way I am putting on a sports bra and lifting weights. Hopefully I will feel better by Thursday, so we can do that class. If we are both feeling okay, I think we are going to try a Spinning class on Saturday morning.

Okay, so Samuel is definitely a little actor. Yesterday he got into his medicine cabinet and found band-aids. He gave them to me and I told him that he didn't have a boo-boo so he didn't need one. I put them back in the cabinet and walked away. Then Samuel started limping down the hallway and saying "Ma-Ma ouch owie". He was pointing to his leg and limping around. Then he said "band band" (because he shortens everything). So I got him out a band-aid and he lifted up his pants and showed me where he thought he hurt his leg. I asked him where he wanted me to put his band-aid and he pointed to shin. When I tried to put the band-aid on, he started yelling "Ouch Ouch", like he actually hurt himself. When I put the band-aid on he gave a huge sigh of relief like it was so much better now. He is crazy. I do have to say that his acting helped him with his shot today because he LOVED getting the band-aid from the nurse.

Samuel has been doing some other funny things lately. I realized that I smell a lot of things. Like I smell food, especially new foods and if it smells yummy I will eat it, if it doesn't I won't eat it. I also smell the milk a lot. I have this thing about milk, if it smells at all weird or sour I will pour out the entire carton and if it gets anywhere near the date on the carton I get freaked out and just throw it out. So the other day I poured Samuel a cup of milk, in a real cup because he is doing so well drinking out of a big cup now. Anyway, I gave him the cup of milk and he picked it up and sniffed and then looked at me and shook his head, made a face and said "Poop". Then he pushed it away and wouldn't drink it. It was pretty funny. But, now he is smelling lots of things, like his Play-doh this morning and then he said "Poop", pushed it away and wouldn't play with it. It is so funny how your kids pick up your crazy and weird habits.

Now I really need to get some laundry done while I have time.

Tomorrow Parents as Teachers is coming for Samuel's 2 year assessment. Hopefully he will do okay.


megan said...

Love all the Samuel stories!!!

But um, can you really go SPINNING already?? That hurts me (for you) just thinking about it! And sorry to hear about the sore boobs. :( sounds painful!

Hope you had a great day!

Anonymous said...

iam so sorry you had a bad night,wish i could do something to help. hopefully tonight will be better.
on a lighter note, there is just nothing to be taken for granted when it comes to SAMUEL:)