Thursday, July 24, 2008

I think teeth are coming

Not only is Samuel having sleep issues I really think he is teething now.  He started screaming last night and it wasn't his normal, I don't want to sleep anymore or I am hungry cry.  He was yelling like he was in pain. When we went to the pediatrician for his 4 month appointment they said that his gums looked a little swollen, but they said teeth were not imminent.  It has been a few weeks now, so maybe his teeth will be coming in soon.  Dave got up to try to rock him around 3:30 or so and he just wouldn't stop crying and screaming.  We gave him some Tylenol and I ended up nursing him a little bit and then he fell back asleep.  Then our wonderful dog started barking at around 6 am and woke him up.  It was great.  

Update on Critter Control coming out.  The guy went up in our attic and said that he wasn't sure if there were mice up there or not, but it had been about 2 years since we had them come out, so he wanted to rebate the attic with mice poisoning.  Then he looked to see if there were any holes in the roof or any signs that raccoons were in our attic.  Luckily there weren't.  But he said that the area above our bedroom since it is vaulted, the roof is very close to our ceiling, so there isn't much space there, so if raccoons were on our roof it would sound like they were in our ceiling.  That must have been it.  The good thing is, we don't have any critters in our attic and there is no way that a raccoon could get in.  He also assured me that in the 10 years he has been working for critter control, he has never had a case where a raccoon got into someones house, unless they left the door open or the raccoons got in through a cat or doggie door.  Scary! Thank goodness we don't have a doggie door and we certainly don't leave our doors wide open.  We cut down some branches on the big tree in front of our house so there is no way that raccoons can jump from the branches to the top of our house.  Do we sound a little obsessed?!  I hate insects, bugs, spiders, rodents, etc.


Anonymous said...

Did you remember to ask him about raccoons opening doors? I think that's the funniest thing I've ever heard! Love you guys and glad there aren't any rodents living in your attic...

Sarah said...

I actually did ask him if they could open doors and he looked at me like I was crazy. He said he has never heard of that ever happening. I didn't even care if I looked stupid. I told him I was so afraid of them getting into the house that I could picture them doing anything. He just laughed at me.