Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Early Resolutions

I have decided that I am going to start my list of New Year's resolutions now.  It isn't too early right.  I started to make a long list yesterday and I will hopefully work my way down them.  A lot on my list are little goals for myself, like little projects I need to complete (finishing the boys photo albums, organize baby clothes, etc.)  Others are things like running a half marathon in 2012 and losing all my baby weight.

Speaking of baby weight I am so discouraged about my weight.  I need to lose 25 more pounds to get to my goal weight and nothing is coming off.  I haven't lost a pound in about 4 weeks.  This week I have made some changes.  Dave and I have been talking for a while about eating vegetarian, with an occasional fish or chicken dish.  One of his goals is to eat some fish (if you know him, you know he has always hated fish).  We went out to dinner the other night and he actually ordered and ate fish.  It was delicious and we are trying to make an effort to eat some fish at least once or twice a month.  We don't typically eat a lot of meat, but when we force ourselves to eat more vegetarian meals our whole diet changes.  We eat less junk food and make better food choices.  This morning I ate greek yogart with blueberries, strawberries, almonds and agave nectar.  I am going to make a huge salad tonight with lots of veggies.

I worked out on Monday and Tuesday.  Monday I did spinning for about 30 minutes and it killed me.  I am in no shape to take a class at this point.  I am going to keep spinning by myself until I feel like I am in better shape for an actual class.  Yesterday I ran on the treadmill for a little while, but my left arch started killing me.  I can always tell when I have a lot of extra weight on my body because it really puts pressure on my arches in my feet.  I had a difficult time running even a mile.  Because I wasn't having fun running I tried out a different machine that was similar to an elliptical machine and it killed me.  When I got off 20 minutes later my legs were complete noodles.  It was a good feeling to get in a workout like that.  Today I plan to do some weights and sit ups when both boys are at school.  I am also going to sign up for Bikrum Yoga.  Has anyone done that?  I am really excited to try it out.  Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will go.  I need to get some yoga clothes though.  They want you to wear really tight clothes, like leotards and bike shorts, so they can see you body and so that it soaks up all your sweat.

I am hoping that my hormones will start going back to normal soon.  I am somewhat of a mess.  After Simone,  I decided that I would get back on birth control for a limited time.  We are done with having kids and we didn't want any more accidents.  I know after having Simone our family is totally complete.  Anyway, I got on the mini-pill when Simone was almost 5 weeks old.  She just turned 8 weeks yesterday.  After 4 days on the pill I started my period and it was super heavy and disgusting.  I called the doctor because I have never had a period while breastfeeding until the boys were about 9 months old.  She said that some people on this pill have a period and then they have spotting often.  She said that if I continue to bleed then I might consider getting off of it because it just might not work well with my body.  Well after I had the "period" I continued to spot almost every other day and then at 7 and a half weeks I started bleeding again really heavily.  My hormones were going crazy and I was feeling terrible.  I decided that I was going to quit the pill.  It isn't worth all the bleeding and hormone issues.  I got off on Sunday and I already stopped bleeding and I am beginning to feel so much better mentally.  I guess I wasn't meant to take the pill.  I am hoping that getting off will help me lose weight too.  We will see.

Life with three kids is so busy.  Simone is so wonderful.  She is getting cuter and cuter each day.  Her baby acne is clearing up finally. She is such a happy easy baby.  She smiles so much and loves to see her brothers.  I look at her and feel so grateful that I have such a beautiful little princess and one that is a much easier baby then her brothers.  My life really feels complete.

I'm off to drink coffee and relax a bit before the crazy day gets going.

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