Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Recovering Weekend and Mexican Pizza

We spent the whole weekend recovering.  The boys are almost 100%.  They each have a little bit of a cough, but other then that they are feeling much better.  They are both sleeping all night, which is helping me recover from my minimal sleep a few weekends ago.  

Here are some pictures of the boys hanging out while we were stuck at home. 

Mexican Pizza:

Out family LOVES Mexican food.  I have been getting kind of bored with just making the regular burritos and tacos, so I decided that I wanted to try to make a Mexican pizza.  It turned out delicious.  Dave and I were the only ones to eat it because Samuel prefers to make his own burritos with all the sides.

Here is what I did:

I used a Whole Wheat Bobli pizza crust.

I warmed up some refried beans, so it would be easier to spread on the pizza crust and I put that on as my first layer.

I cooked some ground turkey and added a tiny bit of taco seasoning.  I wanted just a little bit of flavor, but I don't normally like to use taco seasoning because of all the sodium.  In retrospect, it was not necessary to use taco seasoning at all.

Then I added a blend of Mexican cheeses (you can buy that at the store).  I didn't realize that I put low fat cheese on the pizza until I put it all on.  That was a mistake because it didn't melt well at all.  However it still tasted really good.

Here is the pizza after it came out of the oven:

List of the toppings: Cool Ranch Doritos, Sour Cream, Salsa, Guacamole, Romaine Lettuce and Chopped Tomatoes.  

Then we layered, first with the sour cream:

Then with the Guacamole:

Then the Salsa:

Lastly, the romaine lettuce, tomatoes and crumbled up cool ranch Doritos.  It was delicious and easy.

Here is Samuel assembling is burrito and chowing down.  Mexican night is always a success.


megan said...

YUM!! You're making me hungry! :) That sounds delish!

SO glad to hear everyone is feeling better!!

How's the house coming? And the packing?

Charisa said...

I've heard of so many making this - I have no idea why I haven't done so yet! Looks good!

Did you see Mike Ko's post about taco pie? This reminds me of that. What can I say? I'm a lover of beans and cheese in any form!

Sarah said...

The packing is going slowly. I am not really putting in much effort. I hope this weekend to start doing some more. We are having our walk through of the house tomorrow morning. We already know a few problems that need to be fixed and some additional painting that needs to be touched up. The outside needs a little more painting and our yard needs sod, but other then that it is done. I think our closing maybe in a couple of weeks. I just want to start moving some things in.

I usually read Mike's blog but I didn't see the taco pie. Yum. I could eat Mexican food several times a week. It is so easy and yummy.