Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Time passing

Once again the days have flown by and I have failed to post anything. This past weekend was so busy. I don't feel like I had time to really even relax. Friday we loaded up our PODS and got a lot of junk out of the house. Saturday morning it was picked up and then Dave and I went and ran tons of errands.

We checked out a pre-school for Samuel this past weekend: International Schoolhouse. We really like it a lot. He is going to start off two days a week for the first semester and then he will go five days the second semester. It is a total Spanish immersion school. From the moment he walks in the door they only speak Spanish. I am so excited about him being in an immersion school. I think it is really important for kids to be exposed to a foreign language at a young age. This is only a pre-school, so he can attend for the next two years. I hope we like it and he likes it too. He will start in September.

We did a garage sale on Sunday and it was terrible. We had barely any turn out. I think just three people came by. Each person bought something, but still it was terrible. In the future we will only have a garage sale on Saturday. I think the turn out would have been better. We weren't about to bring in all of our junk, so we donated a ton of stuff to three different charities. At least we get a tax right off.

I am starting to be more adventurous with the boys. I am feeling more comfortable getting out and running errands. Usually I just take them together to the park or to the mall, but I have only gone twice to the grocery store with both of them. Joseph is so easy and he pretty much has a consistent schedule of eating, being awake for about an hour and a half and then takes a nap. So I try to leave right when he is about to nap, so he sleeps in the car and then in his baby carrier. He is the easy one. The difficult one is Samuel. He is never easy. He wants to get into everything and is so loud. Today I was buy some fake lemons at Target (in preparation for putting our house back on the market). Anyway, Samuel opened up the package of lemons and tried to eat them. When I told him they were fake and he couldn't eat them, he smelled them again and told me "No mommy, yuck poop". Everything still smells like poop to him.

The best part of getting out today was my wrestling match with Samuel when we got to the car. He would not get in his car seat. He wanted to sit in the middle and buckle up. I told him no and he needed to get in his car seat. Anyway, he wouldn't have it. We were wrestling like crazy and he was screaming at the top of his lungs. A mom walked by my car and said "I feel your pain." Finally I got him halfway into his seat and I strapped one side around him and got him buckled so he couldn't move. He was screaming the entire time and I was ready to kill him. He is trying so hard to show his independence and it is really frustrating for me. Once I finally got Samuel in the car, he wanted to watch a movie. I total him absolutely not. He isn't allowed to watch a movie when he didn't do what I asked him to do. I think he actually understood me because he cried a little bit but didn't ask to watch the movie again.

I just realized how long this post is so I am going to head off to find recipes for dinner tonight.


markandandrea said...

Oh man I feel your pain with a toddler trying to assert independence. Taylor drives me to the edge daily. I bet you're really looking forward to the extra "free" time while he's at preschool.

Sorry the garage sale was such a flop, but yay for getting junk out of the house!

Nicki said...

Brody does that car seat thing sometimes and it is frustrating. I am just happy once I can get one arm secured and buckled because then he gives up knowing he has lost. We definitely have a challenging time coming up and atleast we can commiserate together! :)

Unknown said...

i LOVE this post. i will think of it next time something like this happens to me... like probably later today. i completely feel your pain, but somehow you always have a way of making me laugh. xo, kate