Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sweet Joseph

My sweet little Joseph is 2 months old today. I can't freaking believe it. The time has just flown by. He has been absolutely wonderful. (I am knocking on my wooden dining room table right now and hoping that this continues).

So here are some updates on Joseph:

1. He consistently sleeps at night from between 8pm-9pm until 2-3am. He then gets up, eats and goes back to bed until about 6:30. Sometimes he is up and other times he snoozes for another hour.

2. He takes regular naps (at least 2 a day). He takes them in random places though. He loves his bouncy seat and prefers to nap there. We are still working on him napping in his crib.

3. He hates the swing just like Samuel.

4. He is smiling and cooing like crazy. I can get him to laugh and smile all the time.

5. He rolled over today from his tummy to his back. I can't believe it. Samuel did the same thing on his 2 month birthday and I am just shocked. He just flipped himself over this morning.

6. His cranky time is from about 6 to 8 every night. But then he falls fast asleep.

Dave and I were talking last night about how nice it is to have a good baby. I am so happy that I had Samuel first and had to deal with his cranky out of control behavior, because having Joseph is such a nice break. I have to admit that when I had Joseph I was worried that I wouldn't love him the same because I was so in love with Samuel. But I can't explain how much my heart has grown, I love them both so much. I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful family.

I was looking through some pictures and here is Samuel and Joseph at 2 months in the same position. I think they look totally different. Amazing how Dave and I could produce such different looking kids. I looks like Samuel's eyes were starting to turn blue at this point and Joseph's are still very brown. Their skin coloring is so different too.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful,Beautiful Boys, makes an oma so very proud!

megan said...

Happy 2 months, Joseph! They do look so different, it's amazing. I love what you said about how much you love them. :)