Monday, June 22, 2009

Samuel language

Sometimes it is difficult to decipher exactly what Samuel is trying to say, since his language skills are not the greatest yet.  He has this call that we all know is his call for George.  I have been trying to figure out exactly what he is saying when he is calling her.  Well, last night he was on the couch calling George and I figured it out.  When he yells George, it sounds exactly like he is yelling "Bob".  I guess he has decided to rename George - Bob.  I don't think George will ever get a girl name.  

Hope everyone has a great Monday.  Samuel is bringing me book after book, so I guess I better read to him.  


megan said...

haha, that is hilarous! :)

Anonymous said...

You won't believe it, Rowan calls his toy lawn mower and any other lawn mowers he sees "Bobby." It is hilarious to hear, but it is all I can figure out. Atleast Samuel is calling a living thing by a person's name :) Awesome on the running!!

Anonymous said...

could it be that maybe he is saying dog?

Sarah said...

Doesn't sound like dog. No "D" sound, just "B".

markandandrea said...

Well, remember Taylor started out saying "dawb" for "dog"...he could be saying that. But in any case, Bob is a funny new name for George. No one will ever know she's a girl!