Thursday, June 16, 2011

More Tulsa

Here are some more pictures of our trip to Tulsa.  

On Monday night I went to hear one of my former classmates speak about his new book that just came out.  I went to middle school and high school with Daniel Wilson, check out his website:

His book Robocalypse, just yesterday was said to have gotten on the New York Times Best Sellers list and this is the first week it came out.  The book has been optioned by Dreamworks and Steven Spielberg has signed on to direct the film.  It is due out in 2013.

Anyway, he is really excited about the book.  My other high school friend that moved to St. Louis this past year and I went to his book talk and signing.  Then we hung out with him that evening.  I didn't get home until midnight which has totally screwed up my schedule this week.  I haven't recovered from the lack of sleep.

Oh here is a picture of my friend Robyn, Daniel and me.

Anyway, Joseph has been waking up around 6 am every day and I am beat.  He is usually really loud so he wakes Samuel up by 6:30/6:45 am.  It is making for very long days.  Samuel is no longer napping.  He has been great at letting me get some stuff done in the afternoons.

I am not motivated to do much these days, so this is the extent of this post.  Maybe when I have more energy I will post more.

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