Friday, February 11, 2011

Too Early and HELP with Valentine's Day

I am really getting sick of this early wake up hour.  Joseph will not sleep in at all.  Today he was wide awake at 5 am.  I usually love mornings, when I am all alone enjoying quiet time.  This has been a rough week.  I had meetings at Woman's Place both Tuesday and Wednesday night.  I didn't get home until about 8:30 on Tuesday and 7:15 on Wednesday.  I am doing a ton of volunteer work for them, which I love, but it is really taking up a lot of my free time.

Not only have I had meetings, but Samuel is slowly fazing out his afternoon nap.  He didn't take a nap at all several times this week and the other few times it was only for about 45 minutes.  I am actually waking him up after 45 minutes because he will not go to bed easily at night if he takes a long nap in the afternoon.  His bedtime has moved to 7:30 or a little earlier if he doesn't nap and he is sleeping in later, so although I miss some alone time in the afternoons, I also like alone time with Dave in the evenings.

So Samuel hasn't been napping and Joseph's sleep schedule has been totally screwed up this week too.  Since he has decided that 5 am is his wake up time, he is exhausted and ready for his first nap of the day at 7 am.  I am not going to put him down at 7 because we have to take Samuel to school at 8:15.  Normally Joseph falls asleep on the way taking Samuel to school or on the way home.  He usually is easily transferable from the car to his bed and continues to sleep longer, but this week I have had no such luck.  He wakes up immediately when I get him out of the car and will not go back to bed.  Then the afternoon is the same.  He is so exhausted from not really napping in the morning that he falls asleep on the way to pick Samuel up from school.  Therefore, all this week I have had zero break.

Yesterday, I hit a wall.  I was so done by 2pm.  I could barely stand another second.  Luckily Samuel decided he wanted to play with his trains in the basement and so we headed downstairs and the boys both played for almost an hour down in the basement, while I sat and stared at the TV watching Oprah.  I was just sad that she had Jennifer Hudson on yesterday because I don't like her much at all.

So much for my complaining, now I have some real questions....

Samuel's school is celebrating Valentine's Day and we got an email that we can bring Valentine's for the kids.  He has 12 kids in his class.  We can't bake anything homemade.  Everything has to be store bought.  So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions??????
I was thinking about running to Whole Foods and getting heart shaped or valentine looking cookies and then wrapping them individually and putting a homemade card with them.  I don't want to spend a bunch of money, so help!!! Do people do cookies or candy or what?  I am at a loss since this is my first time.

It is 6:30 and I have already finished one cup of coffee, fed Joseph and fed myself.   This is going to be a long day!


Charisa said...

Vaughn has napped once or twice in the last month. I'm thinking she's over the nap thing too! However, I still try to put her down everyday, thinking that maybe today will be the day...Wishful thinking!

Sorry that everything else seems to be piling up with you too! Hopefully this rough stage will pass soon for you.

I'd keep the Valentine's simple. Target has cute cellophane bags that you can put some goodies in and tie shut with string or even a twist tie. You could do age appropriate "toys" instead of food too. Stickers, little pads of paper... Cut some tags out of paper with Samuel's name on them, punch a hole at the top and string it on to your string or twist tie. For extra credit with the teachers, write Happy Valentine's Day in Spanish on them too! (Feliz dia de San Valentin!)

megan said...

Ooh, I like Charisa's ideas! Target has cute stuff, and they have tons of valentine's stuff in the dollar section too. I've never heard of no homemade stuff - wth? We always just did cards but maybe that's old news. :)

Hope those kids start sleeping more so you can get a break!!! xoxo

Paula said...

Hi Sarah!

I agree...keep it simple! The first year of V-Day parties, I spent a lot of time making homemade cards and finding cute little treats to go with them, but the reality is the kids really don't care. I let the boys pick store bought cards and Max picked Toy Story and I found toy story gummies to go with them. Miles picked Bakugan and I found individual boxes of conversation hearts that were in SPANISH at Target. So I got a box for each kid in his class.

Hope you are well and that Joseph is kind to you this weekend and lets you sleep in. Max is just beginning to sleep a bit better but still wakes up by 6:15 every morning. Neither of my kids have been big sleepers so I completely feel your pain.

Sarah said...

Thanks so much for all your advice. I went to Target today and got some Valentine things. You guys had great ideas.

Paula, I can't believe you found sweethearts in Spanish. I didn't see any of those. They would have been awesome.

Megan, I was planning on making cookies or cupcakes and they don't allow homemade baked goods because of food allergies. So many things to worry about.

Charisa, I am definitely writing Happy Valentine's Day in Spanish. I would have had no idea how to do that, so thanks.

The boys ended up napping this afternoon and I got an hour and a half all to myself. I feel like a new woman. That was all I needed. So nice!!!