Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day and Monkeys, maybe even Snow Monkeys

We have a snow day today.  Although it doesn't look that bad outside to me every single school is closed here in St. Louis.  They said on the news the roads are really bad and slick and it is supposed to get worse because the weather is going to continue to drop all day, but it just seems like any little bit of snow we get around here everything shuts down.  I know it is better safe then sorry.  I guess we are going to be baking cookies and playing lots of games today.

As I mentioned before Samuel has been having lots of nightmares at night and is waking up 3 to 4 times a night.  Last night was better because I think he just called out a few times and we only went in once.  Two nights ago he finally told us why he was scared when he went to bed.  He called Dave back upstairs after we put him down and he was so scared and said there were monkeys in his bathroom.  Dave took him into the bathroom, turned on the lights and walked around and showed him that there were no monkeys in the bathroom.  He seemed to be fine, but then about 30 minutes later he was calling me into his room.  He again was pretty scared and said that although Daddy told him there were no monkeys in the bathroom he was sure there was a little baby monkey and that the mommy and daddy monkey were there too.  I told him that there were no monkeys and everything was going to be fine.  He ended up going to bed, but he continued to wake up many times in the middle of the night.  Then last night when we put him to bed he again said he thought there were monkeys in the bathroom.  We have this nightlight that my Uncle gave to Joseph that is a turtle and projects stars on the ceiling of the bedroom and we have been putting it in Samuel's room to help him at night.  Last night Dave told Samuel that there was no way that the monkeys were going to get him because they are really scared of turtles and the turtle would protect him.  I think that really helped because as I said he only yelled out a couple of times last night.

I think he is having a combination of vivid imagination and night terrors.  I have noticed many times when I run into his room at night that he is still asleep, but yelling out.  His pediatrician had told me about the possibility of these happening.  The problem is that a kid will have a night terror, still be asleep, but freaking out and you basically have to calm them down until they wake themselves up and then as soon as they are out of their dreaming state they go right back to bed.  This is just hard because Dave and I are so tired from waking up all the time.  Hopefully he will get out of this stage soon.  I read some stuff that night terrors can occur when the child is going through a growth spurt, so maybe he will grow soon and everyone can get some rest.

Joseph is now 11 months old.  He is cruising along furniture and pushing around his walkers, but isn't quite ready to let go and walk yet.  He is talking up a storm though.  He is so different then Samuel in that way.  He clearly says Mama, Dada and ball.  He says other things randomly, but he is just so much more verbal then Samuel was at this stage.  Samuel didn't even say Dada until he was over 2 years old.  Samuel preferred to sign things.

I need to post some pictures soon of the boys and our house.  Things are really moving with our house.  Today the painters are coming to do the first coat of paint.  The interior doors were delivered yesterday too.  They look awesome, I am so excited.  Next Monday, the flooring guys are going to start installing our floors.  They are starting with the tiled areas, then the wood floors go in and then the carpeted areas.  I can't believe how quickly things are going.  It looks absolutely wonderful.  I have been really happy with the building process.  We have only had a few issues, but I think that is pretty good.

Lastly, I have finally had time to read a few books.  If you are interested in a really easy entertaining ready you should pick up the Hunger Games Trilogy (Hunger Games, Catching Fire and MockingJay).  They are considered young adult books, but they are pretty gruesome.  Once I started I couldn't put them down.  The first two books I was able to anticipate some of the story line, but the third book surprised me throughout.  I only anticipated one part at the end.  I really like books that aren't predictable.  I read all three in about 2 and a half 3 weeks.

I am about to start The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy.  I plan on starting those this weekend.

I will post some pictures later.  Everyone stay warm and safe!

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