Thursday, November 4, 2010

9 Month Appointment

I have been a real slacker when it comes to posting.  I just haven't really had the time to sit down and write anything.  I had to post today though because I just took Joseph for his 9 month doctor's appointment.  His 9 month birthday is in 3 days.  Joseph has officially been outside of my body the same about of time that he was inside.  Crazy.  He has grown and development so much.  It is amazing what happens in 18 months.

So here are the statistics:

Height:  28.25 In. (52%)
Weight: 20 lbs. 10 oz (53%)
Head: 46.5 cm (83%)

I always thought that Samuel had a huge head, but it is Joseph with the big head.  I can't believe that Joseph is only in the 50th percentile.  He seems so big to me.  He isn't that much smaller then Samuel was at this time, but the percentages were very different.  Samuel was 29 inches (76%), 22 lbs. 6.5 oz (79%) and 45 cm (42%) for his head.

Joseph has really increased his appetite for food.  He wants to eat everything and is becoming less and less interested in breastfeeding.  If only he would drink breastmilk or formula out of a bottle or sippy cup.  He is not interested in that either.

I was looking back at old posts of when Samuel was this age and I realized that Samuel started military crawling at around 7 months and Joseph is just now starting to get interested in crawling.  I attribute his lack of interest in crawling in being the second child.  When Joseph starts to throw a fit Samuel normally runs over and gives him a toy or his drink or whatever he might want.  I think he is on the verge of crawling though.  The backward pushing is getting better, he just can't figure out how to propel himself forward.  Once that happens, I think we are going to be in trouble.

Samuel has been really funny lately.  He has started to negotiate for things.  When we tell him he can't do something he will try to come up with a compromise.  He wants to play games on my computer all the time now, but I am not comfortable with him doing that unless I am sitting right next to him because he somehow changes settings and I am just worried he is going to really screw up my computer.  The other day he wanted to get on the computer and I told him no and he said "but I need to check my email."  I really had to hold back my laughter.  I always use the excuse that he can't play games because I have to check my email.  He is just too funny.

I am pretty exhausted today, so I am going to have another cup of coffee before I have to pick Samuel up at school.


Anonymous said...

i really giggled when Samuel talked about reading his email...and it;s so nice to read that he is intuned to his little brother. Another sign of wonderful parenting and ongoing love!
Happy Anniversary....6 years and still strong! love to you all, oma

megan said...

That email comment made me LOL!!! So funny. :)

happy anniversary tomorrow!! Are you guys doing anything fun?


Sarah said...

Thanks for the anniversary wishings. We are just going out tomorrow night for dinner. It will be nice to just get out of the house.

Samuel is really funny lately. I love all his little comments and all the things that he is picking up on now.