Today is my favorite first born little boy's birthday. He is 4 today and he is so excited. He wants to sing happy birthday all the time. I can't believe he is 4 already. Time has really flown by. I am hoping that four will be a little bit easier then three. Three was quite a challenge. Samuel is super independent, loving and stubborn. He amazes me everyday. He is so smart and funny and he makes me laugh all the time. He drives me crazy too, but he wouldn't be a normal kid if he didn't do that.
He was so brave this morning. We had his 4 year check up and he had to get four shots. I normally do not give the kids more then 3 shots at a time, but Samuel is absolutely terrified of getting shots and I didn't want to have to come back in a month to give him the rest. That would be way to stressful for him. When he gets really scared he starts shaking like crazy. His poor little hands, arms and fingers were shaking like crazy. He got himself so worked up that he got a nose bleed. He has never had a nose bleed before, but it just shows how much he is like me. When I get super upset or stressed out I get nose bleeds too. Anyway, he survived and was ready to go to school and take his big cookie cake that I got him.
He is such a big boy. Here were his statistics:
Height - 43.9 inches (98%)
Weight - 46.40 pounds (97%)
Since I was going to the doctor for Samuel I made another appointment for Simone. Last Wednesday when she finished her medication she broke out in a rash on her chest. Over the weekend it spread all over her chest and back and looked pretty bad this morning. I decided to get her in to have the doctor look at her too. She still has fluid in the ear that had the ear infection, but he said it was looking better. The doctor thinks that the rash is part of the sickness that she had and it might get much worse before it gets better. If she still has it by the end of the week, I have to call him back and get her in. If it isn't one thing it is another. When is this going to be over!!!
And to round out the three kids, when we finally got home and started relaxing and I was feeding Simone I got a call from Joseph's school. They wanted me to pick him up because he had a fever, runny nose and a little bit of a cough. I swear if he gets super sick again I am going to be so pissed. Right now I am trying to get him to take a nap and hopefully he will just sleep it off. He didn't sleep well last night, so I think he may just be over tired. We had a super busy weekend, so I think he may just be worn out.
Speaking of the weekend. I need to post pictures later, but we had a wonderful weekend. All the grandparents came in town to help Samuel celebrate. We went to The Fresh Beat Band concert, which was so much fun and I am pretty sure the kids had a wonderful time.
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