Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My life is Chaos

My life seems so chaotic lately.  I think part of the reason why it seems so out of control is the fact that I have had a cold for the last five days.  It just doesn't seem to want to go away.  It is a total head cold and I just feeling like I am walking around in a cloud.  It is really hard to get motivated to do anything.

I feel like I always set myself up for stress.  My to-do list seems to grow by the day and I commit myself to so many things.  I am trying to prioritize and trying to accomplish at least one thing a day, but it just isn't satisfying when I have piles of stuff I need to do.

Since I haven't been feeling well, I haven't been going to Bikrum which I can really feel in my body.  I haven't gone now in almost a week and I desperately want to work out, stretch and sweat.  I am going to have to wait until next week though because I have zero energy to do anything.

I have really made an effort to make dinner these past two weeks and I have tried out some really delicious foods.  I have also lost 2 pounds.  Working my way back to my pre-baby weight.  These pounds just don't want to come off.

Another stress in my life is that our wonderful babysitter is moving to Chicago tomorrow and I am searching and interviewing new sitters.  We are interviewing one girl tomorrow and another next week.  Hopefully we will find someone soon that I like so I can get myself on some type of schedule too.

I am so boring right now.  I am off to get Samuel ready for school and then hopefully I can get some relaxing in and start feeling better.

1 comment:

megan said...

hope you feel better soon!!!