Friday, January 6, 2012

Catching up

I can't believe that the first week of January is over.  We have had a very busy last few weeks.  I thought Samuel being home from school for almost two and a half weeks was going to drive me nuts, but it has just flown by.  He has been asking to go back to school all week.  I know he misses going too.  Joseph hasn't had a break from school which has been nice because I have had two days where it was just me a Simone.  Next week we will be back to normal hopefully.

Dave and I have been going as much as possible to Bikrym.  We love it.  I wish it weren't 90 minutes long, but it feels great when I am done.  

I am really trying to make a effort to cook dinner during the week and have healthy options.  It is really hard to come up with ideas and then finding time to cook it all is nearly impossible, but I am making a huge effort to do it.  I will be posting recipes and pictures of my food on my other blog: Dinner for Two

In other news, Simone turned three months old on Wednesday.  I can't believe how fast the time is flying.  She is starting to laugh out loud, is talking like crazy and is almost able to roll form her back to her stomach.  

Here are a few pictures.  I will post again with more pictures from the holidays and when my parents came to visit.  

Samuel somehow got himself in the laundry basket.  

Simone in her holiday dress

Cute picture of Joseph.  My phone was taking strange red pictures one night, but I kind of like it.

The kids hanging out together

Joseph in his new Thomas the Train Pj's

My little ballerina!
Here are some of her three month old pictures.  She is so happy.

Here is a half smile

I just love this picture.  It reminds me of Joseph and his big huge brown eyes.  

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