Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Where has the time gone

...oh yeah, to complaining about how I am so done with being pregnant.

I am now 33 years old.  My birthday was last Monday.  Samuel and I spent the day together.  Joseph had his first day of school last Monday.  He is doing pretty well.  He goes every Monday and Wednesday from 9-3pm.  Yesterday he started crying as soon as we drove into the parking lot.  I feel terrible when he is crying, but by the time I pick him up he is running around playing with all the kids.  They told me yesterday that he only cried for a few minutes after I dropped him off.

The crazy part is that he is napping on a cot there.  He naps for a long time too.  Yesterday he napped from 12:30 to 2:15.  That is almost better then he naps at home.  He must be so worn out from all the activities that he just passes out.

I am happy to have a little bit of time with Samuel alone.  Once Samuel starts school I will have 2 hours to myself in the afternoon.  It is just enough time to get absolutely nothing done.  At least the house will be quiet.  Both Samuel and Joseph's schools are 10 minutes from our house, so the drive isn't bad and I can spend a good period of time doing stuff at home.

This past weekend Dave's parents came in town and kept the boys super busy. Dave and I were able to run tons of errands, go out to brunch and dinner and then on Sunday we slept in until 9:30am.  We haven't slept in until 9:30 since Samuel was 9 months old and we went to Vegas for the weekend and I couldn't get out of bed the whole weekend.  That has been a little over 2 years.  It was so needed.

This pregnancy is wearing me out.  It is pushing straight out.  It moves like a mad person.  I am also having terrible back pain and I feel like my tailbone is bruised.  I have a really hard time sitting for more then 30 minutes.  Sleeping is nearly impossible too.  This is by far the hardest pregnancy.  I really wanted to enjoy this pregnancy because it is my last, but I am just not a huge fan.  I just want to see this baby.  Luckily I am 34 weeks on Friday.  The weeks are flying by, but that doesn't make it easier.

I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday, so I will find out more information about when we can start moving forward with having this baby.  I still think I am having a boy, but last night I had a dream it was a girl.  We will see.

I am off to play with the kids.  Joseph is standing by me screaming.

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