Thursday, August 25, 2011

Begging Did Nothing

I had a doctor's appointment today.  I felt a little bad going in because really all I wanted to do was complain and get sympathy from my doctor.  She ended up having to go to a delivery so I got the other OB in the office.  I wasn't too excited to talk to her, but she ended up being great today.  I am still have tons of contractions and this week they got pretty strong, but luckily I am still not dilated.  She told me I really needed to pay attention to my contractions because I could all of the sudden go into labor and I will need to go to the hospital right away.

Tomorrow I am 34 weeks.  In three weeks at 37 weeks they will begin doing the natural induction they did with Joseph.  They won't start doing it any earlier even though I was basically begging for them to do something.  I understand that this baby needs to stay in as long as possible because it is best for its health and I really do want to go as long as I can, but I am miserable.  I feel like this baby is huge and growing by the hour.  The doctor told me that the baby doesn't feel that big and I am not measuring like the baby is huge, but that with a third pregnancy the baby usually comes straight out front and is really uncomfortable especially if you are picking up and carrying around another little one.

I can make 3 weeks for sure.  Just hearing 3 weeks though makes me nervous.  It is really soon.  I am going to pack up my toiletries this weekend and start getting a few things ready, so I don't have to worry about it later.  I also need to do some organizing around the house, so I am fully prepared for the baby to come.

I am also a little stressed because we are getting close to one of the biggest fundraising events for Woman's Place that I have been planning with our committee.  The Iris Ball is October 14th and there is still so much to do and I have a feeling I am going to be out at a very crucial time.  I have been getting things organized for that so I can pass all the responsibilities on to other committee members.

Things are crazy around here.  I am off to try to relax.  The boys are quiet for now.  Hopefully this will continue the rest of the evening.  I think they can tell I am completely worn out!


megan said...

can't believe you're already so far along!!! it seems like you JUST found out! Hoping you can handle 3 more weeks without being too miserable. :( It will come fast!!

And good luck with all the Women's Place stuff! It's so wonderful how much you do for them. And I'm sure everyone will do a good job picking up where you left off so that you can enjoy some time with the new baby. :)

Paula said...

WOW!! Time is really flying with this one. Possibly just 3+ weeks of suspense left! I can hardly wait.

Hang in there, the prize at the end will be SO worth it.
Paula :0)

Sarah said...

It really is flying by. I have a little bit better of an attitude today because I am hoping I don't have much longer. I can't wait to see what we are having, even though I am almost positive it is a boy.

This weekend I need to be productive.