Friday, July 27, 2012

Summer so far in pictures

I am always amazed at the amount of pictures I take with my phone.  I downloaded them to my computer today and from May through July I took about 147 pictures.  I figured by posting all these pictures, it will remind me of some of the things we have done this summer.  No wonder I am so tired.  These pictures don't even include everything.  

Simone swinging at the park.  It was bright out, but it wasn't horribly hot yet.  

The boys playing on the play set at the park.

Joseph wanting to play outside like always.  He looked like a little soccer player here to me.

More outside play.  Loving the sidewalk chalk

Eating some yummy cupcakes from Jilly's.

Not a very good picture because Samuel was moving too much, but this was our first time bowling with the kids.  They loved it.

Eating at FroYo, one of their favorite places

This is difficult to see, but the boys were having a little cuddle time all together in Samuel's bed.

We were face timing my mom because she found a picture of my when I was about 6 months old.  Couldn't believe how much Simone looks like me.

We grew lots of veggies this year and we had some yummy green beans.

Went to the Botanical Garden and fed the fish and walked around.  

Eating brunch at the Botanical Gardens.  It is SOOOO good.  If anyone has a chance to go, it is well worth it.  

All three kids having fun together.  Right before this, Joseph stood on his chair and it folded up and he went flying on the floor.  I ran as fast as I could to grab him and almost wiped out myself because my shoe slipped on my napkin as I jumped up with grab him.  There is always drama.

Simone hanging out with her Uncle Jonathan.

Samuel got to sit in a huge fire truck when we were in Tulsa.  He is afraid of heights so this was a big deal for him to sit up there.

The boys were so tired in Tulsa, we couldn't keep them awake.  

Simone and Papa hanging out on Father's Day

Joseph got to go to a wedding with Savta and Papa.  He thought it was so cool even though he had no idea what he was attending.

Samuel had his very first dentist appointment.  He did awesome and his teeth looked great too.

When we were in Michigan, Joseph was obsessed with this basket of cars.  He clearly never wanted to part with them even in his sleep.  This is how he feel asleep almost the entire time when we were there.  Plus he slept on a cot the entire time too, which was really cool.

All the cousins hanging out in Michigan.  They had matching pajama's and loved being together.  They also loved watched TV at night and eating popcorn.

We started finishing our basement and this was the first step, demolition by the plumbers.  It was a mess and still is a mess.  Not to mention stressful.  The noise, the planning the organizing.  

On a day that was way too hot to go outside, we set up the bounce house.  Everyone needed to get worn out and it did the trick. 

Samuel had an amazing time at Burr-Oak camp.  This was one of their swim demonstrations.  He is actually trying to swim now.  It is really excited.  He wouldn't go off the diving board, because it was too high up.  Maybe next year.

My Dad made these cute little bowls and they are perfect size for Simone portions.  This summer she started eating solid food and she hasn't stopped.  She is an amazing eater and I love it.  There are only a few things she doesn't like: peas, kiwi, pancakes, waffles and not a huge fan of eggs.  

The kids hanging out at night.  

Simone started crawling this summer too!

Went to the zoo and had to get painted.  

Joseph too!

Had to ride the train.

Always like to go to the boat house after the zoo.  Fun for everyone.

Playing outside in the blow up pool and hanging out to dry off.  Clearly the kids love it!

Simone started her quest to becoming a doctor.  
And there you have it.  Summer so far.  We still have one more month to go.  Lots more to do.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I can't really explain where the weeks have gone.  Life has been super busy.  I think the heat is getting to all of us.  We are all cranky and irritable.  

We also began finishing our basement.  It has been very stressful.  The plumbing is done for now, the HVAC is done for now and the framing is in progress.  It is a mess in the basement with sawdust everywhere.  Dave and I are slowly trying to work our way down the list of things to do.  I picked out all the lights for the basement yesterday.  There is still so much to do.  I think that has added to our crankiness.  

Last weekend was pretty difficult.  The kids were as good as they could be, but it was hot and Dave and I were in a funk so we weren't exactly the most patient of parents.  On Saturday we went to the zoo and saw the new Sea Lion exhibit.  I didn't bring my camera because we just had too much shit with us and it was hot, so I didn't want to carry anything extra.  Of course the kids got some paintings on their arms, we rode the train and walked around a little bit before it was time to go.  We didn't see any animals except for the sea lions.  It was a pretty quick trip.  After the zoo we went to the Boathouse.  We really like the Boathouse, but it still stresses me out being there because I am always worried the kids are going to fall into the water when they are trying to feed the ducks.  The stress of the experience is almost enough for me not to want to go.  The food and beer are both good though.  

The weekend before we intended to go peach picking at Eckert's, but because it has been so hot out they are not allowing peach picking.  The peaches aren't growing like they usually do, so they aren't allowing the public to pick them at every location.  I think one location is allowing limited picking.  They were allowing blackberry, tomato and pepper picking.  It was awesome.  The blackberries were huge and delicious.  We still had a ton of fun.  I posted pictures.  

The week is moving very slowly.  It was 107 yesterday and I have no idea what it is going to be today. When Samuel gets home from camp we are heading to the pool.  We need to wear our kids out so we can all have a nice relaxing evening.  

I have a picture of each of the kids with George, so I had to post one with George and Simone.


Samuel was striking a pose

Of course Joseph had to as well

On our way to picking

On the tractor to get to the blackberries

This hat lasted on her head long enough for me to take the picture.  She isn't a huge hat fan.

Simone loved her some blackberries

Here we are picking

Yum, lots of blackberries

Picking tomatoes

Samuel was a big helper

Here's what we got