Monday, December 17, 2012

Time Out

Can someone please put me in timeout?  I would be happy to sit in the corner all by myself for two minutes (or more) and have no one talk to me or mess with me.

I am a cranky tired b%&$h.  This past weekend wasn't exactly how I pictured it to be.  We were supposed to go to Michigan for the weekend.  However, on Tuesday Simone was diagnosed with RSV.  She had it last year too.  Apparently once you get it (especially when a little baby) you are prone to getting it again because your lungs are compromised.  This will probably be a yearly sickness, which sucks.  She was having a lot of trouble breathing and requires a breathing treatment three times a day.  On Wednesday night I heard her crying in a strange way, so I went into her room.  She was breathing very heavily, then her breathing would slow down and then she would stop breathing.  I mean really stop breathing.  I had to hit her a few times to wake up and when she did she would cry out.  That was the noise I kept hearing.  She was sound asleep, but obviously not breathing well.  I freaking out, called the exchange and they told me to take her to the ER.  We spent pretty much the entire night there.  I didn't get home until 4 am.  Her breathing regulated while she was awake, but she also had a double ear infection.

Ever since Wednesday night she has been getting much better.  I am just happy we didn't have to admit her to the hospital.

On Thursday night Joseph started coughing a ton.  We decided it was best for him not to go to Michigan because being on an airplane and the fact that he would stay super busy and not rest much would probably turn a minor cold into a huge one.

So I stayed home with the kids all weekend and Dave went with Samuel to Michigan.  Joseph continued to cough like crazy and ended up coughing so hard he threw up all over his bed on Friday night.  I was happy that we made the decision to keep him home because that would have been miserable.

The rest of the weekend was fine.  Simone is getting better and Joseph is still the same.  This time of year sucks.  Sickness is going through the schools like crazy and my kids seem to always get something.

Besides being at home with the sick kids, I have been so upset over the killings in Newtown.  I am just completely sick to my stomach.  There are no words to express the sorrow and heartache I feel for the parents and family of all those that were killed.  It is just unbelievable. There are so many issues that I could state my opinions regarding gun control, mental health issues and that fact that somehow people are trying to bring up that there should be prayer in schools because you know this tragedy would have never happened if there was prayer in school, WHATEVER.  I am not going to debate these issues right now even though I would be happy to at some point.  I just think we should focus on the beautiful lives that were lost and send our thoughts (and prayers if you participate in such) to the families of these lost souls.

Even though it was a rough weekend and I am exhausted and cranky, I am so grateful to see, kiss and hug my beautiful kids and husband.  Sometimes it is hard to put things into prospective, but when a tragedy like Newtown happens I realize I need to refocus and reevaluate the priorities in my life.

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