Tuesday, October 25, 2011

3 Weeks

It is hard to believe that Simone is already three weeks old today.  The first few weeks really flew by because I wasn't really functioning.  Last week was the first week I wasn't in bed.  My rash luckily never got that bad and then went away.  My headaches are gone now.  Every once in a while at night my head hurts a little bit, but thankfully they went away on their own.  I am still feeling pretty tired after all the recovery issues.  I am just hoping things continue to get better and better.

I don't know what we would have done without the help of Dave's mom and my mom the past weeks.  It was so nice to have them here because I was able have an easy transition from two to three kids.

On Sunday my parents left to go home.  That afternoon Joseph got an extremely high fever (103.8).  Dave and I were freaking out because he got so sick so fast and we were also on our own for the first time in weeks.  Joseph slept great Sunday night, but woke up with 101 fever.  I ended up taking him to the doctor just to make sure he didn't have an ear infection or something.  He was completely fine except for the fever.  His fever broke on Monday after his nap and he hasn't had one since.  Today he is feeling fine, which is such a relief.  I wasn't ready to have to deal with a newborn, sick little boy and a very active 3 and a half year old.

The last few weeks we have been busy.  My family from Kansas City came in town to meet Simone.  Uncle Izzy, Aunt Kay, Aunt Riva and my Zayde all came in town on Saturday and we all spent the day together with Laura, Jonathan and Haidyn.  It was so nice for them all to meet Simone.

Here are some pictures from the last week and a half.

She was about a week and a half here.  

Simone and Oma.

First bath at home.

Simone and Aunt Kay

Simone and Aunt Riva

Simone and Zayde

Family picture with Zayde

Simone's fist bottle. She is doing awesome drinking from a bottle.  I wasn't going to have another baby like Joseph that wouldn't take a bottle.  We are giving her a bottle at least every other day.  She is doing great!

Savta and Simone

Savta with the Glasser kids

Savta, Papa, Samuel and Simone.  Joseph didn't really want to have anything to do with taking a picture.  

This is the best we could get of Savta and Papa with the kids.

Papa with Simone

1 comment:

megan said...

love all the photos!!!! So glad you're finally feeling better too. :) can't wait to meet simone - she is beautiful! xoxo