Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Time has really flown by. We have been super busy the last few days and I have had no opportunity to post anything.

Samuel is doing well in school. However, today when I dropped him off he totally flipped out and was screaming and crying when I tried to leave. It just kills me when he is crying. His eyes were so red and tears were streaming down his cheeks and he just kept saying "One more kiss mommy." I can't explain the pull I feel in my chest when I have to walk out the door. I know he calms down shortly after I leave, but it is still terrible. They said today he was fine but acted really tired. We have been trying to adjust his bedtime because I think he may be slowly phasing out his nap. He still needs a nap, but he has trouble going to bed at night. So I am cutting down his naps and we are trying to get him to go to bed earlier. We will see how this pans out.

This week (Monday through Wednesday) I am in a SANE nurse training. SANE stands for Sexual Assault Nurse Examination. It is a training for nurses that specifically want to deal with rape and sexual assault victims. I am doing this training because I am trying to do additional work for Woman's Place and they are seeing victims of domestic and sexual violence. In order for me to help out any victims I felt like I really needed to be more educated on sexual assault. This has been a very difficult training so far mentally. I just completed my second day today and last night I had nightmares all night. I anticipate have terrible dreams again tonight. It is just overwhelming to me to hear stories about victims because I don't encounter these situations ever. Anyway, I have been very drained by the end of the day.

Luckily, Oma and Opa have come in town and they are watching the boys this week while I am in the training. Joseph has been difficult eating wise. He really will not take a bottle. He is luckily eating solid food and I know he isn't starving, but he will not take a bottle. I guess he is just going to be a completely breast fed baby until he is a year old and drinking real milk. Should be interesting. I am so glad that the grandparents are here because I am just pooped by the end of the evening and barely have enough energy to do anything, so it is nice to have them playing and entertaining the boys and giving both Dave and I a nice break.

Okay, well I am super tired and going to bed very soon. I will post more later.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your training is going well. Has Samuel said anything in Spanish yet? Love you, Mom

megan said...

Wow, rough week!!! I hope the training continues to go well and isn't too draining. I can't even imagine.

I thought you were having problems getting Joseph to nurse when we were out there? Is he over that and now just hating bottles? At least he's eating food! :)

Have a great week!

Flower Girl said...

got your message today, and i know you're in training so you can't talk. ugh, i'm sure it's draining and hard. it'll be interesting to hear what you think when it's done. good for you to do it. all's well here - still pregs. but the past two days i've had so much more energy. i'll keep you updated! xo

Paula said...

Hi Sarah,

We have similar issues when dropping Max off at school, however, I make the Daddy take him to school and I pick him up. I don't know what time Sauel has to be there or if Dave could take him but it is an idea. Vic did the dirty deed for me when Miles was in Preschool too. It makes the separation with their Mommy a non-issue.

Have you tried a sippy cup with a straw for Joseph? I know it sound strange and the package says for older kids, but Miles was real picky and would not take a bottle very well and he learned the straw at 4 months.

Good luck on your training!! It sounds like you will be a great help to those in need once it is over. Too bad you have to live through the mental reality of it all to fully understand it.

One last thing...I miss talking to your Mom 3 times a day!! I am sure they are having a GREAT time.
on their trip

Anonymous said...

when i worked at childrens, we had a significant amount of children sexual abuse--imagine that--aunt kay