Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just a few more pictures

I have been busy all week, but I am really not sure what I have been doing other then laundry and housework.  I am so ready for the weekend.  Savta and Papa are coming in town, which will be nice because I need a break.  We are going to a wedding on Saturday and it starts at 3 pm.  This will be one of the first nights I haven't put Samuel to bed myself (or Dave putting him to bed).  It should be interesting.  

Since I don't have much to say, here are some pictures of Samuel and George and one of Samuel trying to crawl around.  

Monday, June 23, 2008

Eventful day today

Today has been very busy. I decided that I was going to try to take Samuel for the first time to the childcare at the Missouri Athletic Club. I really need to start working out again regularly and I have been so nervous about leaving Samuel with people I don't know (plus he had been sick, so I really didn't want to take him around other kids). I had to get over my fear. So this morning I packed up all his stuff, pumped a bottle and headed off. He fell asleep on the way there, so I dropped him off asleep and went to work out. I worked out for about 50 minutes and then took a shower (I wasn't sure if I would have any other time to do it during the day). I was gone for about an hour and a half and I went to pick him up and he was happy as can be. They said he didn't cry at all and he loved looking at all the other kids. I was so relieved.  I guess he has them all fooled.

We are going to try it again on Wednesday.  There is a class I want to take at 9, which is right around his nap time.  Hopefully he will do well again. 

Then later this afternoon a friend of mine called and said she and her daughter, Elise were going to go to the pool in the afternoon and wanted to know if Samuel and I wanted to go.  I had really cute swim trunks for Samuel, but I didn't have a suit for myself.  I was a little reluctant to get into a suit because I look terrible, but I ran to Target and got myself a one piece suit that actually looks pretty cute.  

Around 1:30 we headed off to the pool.  The water was a little cold at first and Samuel didn't really like it, but after a while he got used to it.  He lasted about 20 minutes in the pool, 30 minutes just hanging out in the sun and then about an hour in the shade.  Then he got super cranky.  By then time I got him in his car seat and turned on the car to leave, he was out cold.  He has been asleep for about an hour now.  Hopefully he will sleep well tonight.

Below are some pictures of Samuel and Elise at the pool.  So cute.  

Sunday, June 22, 2008

No sleep for us

Just a few pictures from the weekend.

This is Samuel batting at his toys.

Samuel's new favorite toys are those keys in his left hand.  He holds on to them all the time and has fallen asleep holding them too!

So I normally put Samuel with his head at the far end of the crib.  When I went to get him from his nap, this is how I found him.  He was so happy he turned himself around.  Then, he wanted to show me what he thought of me taking pictures of him after his nap and so this is what he did......

I found his Wash U T-shirt in his dresser.  I forgot we had it.  It is sized for 6 months, but he fit in it very nicely and it is almost too small.  Go Bears!

Well, the weekend wasn't nearly as successful as I hoped it would be. Samuel had his best napping today. But the nights weren't so great. He still wakes up several times during the night and I am exhausted. Not sure what to do. Anyone have any suggestions?

On a positive note, I tried on one of my skirts today and I could fit into it! I am still far from my goal, but at least I am starting to get back into some of my clothes. I refuse to buy new clothes because I WILL fit into my old stuff.

My first personal training session kicked my butt. I wasn't really sore yesterday, but I was really hurting today. She has me doing all these weights and exercises using one of those balance balls. Holy cow, I thought I was going to die. I am planning on doing the routine tomorrow, if Samuel sticks to a good napping schedule.

I cleaned out Samuel's dresser this weekend and found some clothes that I forgot he even had. In a month we are going to have to do some serious shopping because he is now wearing all 6 month clothes. We only have about 3 outfits that are 9 month clothes, so I am thinking that in about a month he will be growing out of most of the 6 month clothes. He is a big boy. I can't believe how much he is growing. Pretty scary. He is grabbing a holding on to things and trying desperately to sit up and crawl. He has mastered spinning on his stomach in a circle, but he can't figure out that if he moved his legs a little more he might actually move towards his toys. He normally just grabs the blanket and yanks it towards him in order to get his toys that are far away. It is pretty funny.

I am off.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Alone for the weekend

So Dave is in Philadelphia for the weekend for Brian and Angela's wedding. My goal is to get tons of housework done. I don't know why I can't do it during the week, but I am getting so sick of how disgusting my house is, so I am determined to clean as much as possible. Hopefully Samuel will cooperate with me. Right now he is napping, so I already organized all the bills and loaded the dishwasher. We will see how much I can get done in the next 30 minutes.

I have my first personal training session today. My body is already killing me, so I don't know how motivated I am going to be this afternoon, but we will see.

I hope you all have a great weekend and gets lots done also.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

No motivation

I haven't been in the mood to post anything lately. Nothing exciting has been happening, so I don't have much inspiration to post. I worked out 3 days so far this week and two of the days were my baby boot camp. Only my friend Cara and I showed up this week, so it was almost like having our own personal trainer. We have decided not to do the next session because both of us are trying to work on our kids napping schedule. Her son is 5 months and is still having some sleep issues. Samuel is getting better. He is consistently taking 3 naps a day for about an hour. The problem is that most of the time the baby boot camp cuts right into his morning nap. This morning I had to go get him out of bed and put him in his car seat, which I know totally screwed up his napping. Plus I had to pump in order to have milk to feed him while I was at the boot camp. It is just way too much of a pain.

Anyway, Cara and I decided that we were going to have the instructor come to one of our houses once a month and teach us exercises we can do while the baby is sleeping. She is going to give us two 30 minute work outs so we can try to get back in shape. Our first private session is tomorrow. I am going to be so sore. My body is in so much pain from the two other days we worked out with her. This trainer, Keely is wonderful. She works out of the gym SWEAT in Clayton. She specializes in pre-natal and post-natal training. If anyone is interested in working out with someone after a baby I highly recommend her.

Other then trying to get back into shape, which I am still disgusted with my body, I haven't been doing much. I did lose a pound this week, which was nice!

I am off to relax while Samuel is sleeping. I am exhausted.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

For some reason the last set of pictures stopped working so I deleted them. I will try to post them again.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

We have had a great end of the week.  Samuel is now 100% better.  He is happy and sleeping normally now.  Thank goodness.  That was quite a scare with him being so sick.  

So Friday, Dave took half day off to watch the Dutch kick some you now what in soccer.  We put Samuel in an orange outfit and Dave was in orange as well.  I will post some pictures a little later. 

This has been a great day today.   Dave woke up and I made him a yogart, granola and fruit parfait and coffee.  That was his requested breakfast.  (On Mother's day, my requested breakfast was fruit, pancakes, eggs, sausage, hashbrowns and champagne.  How different we are!)

I will post some pictures of this morning.  Dave and Samuel were just waking up and George decided to join them.  It was really cute.  

We then ran a few errands.  We went to Babies R Us because Samuel has really started to like mobiles, so we bought him one and we also bought a Bumbo.  I wasn't planning on buying one of those, but he wants to sit up so badly, so now he is really happy.  

Tonight we are having beef ribs, filet, twice baked potatoes and salad.  Also Dave's request.  It should be really yummy.  

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And the Saga Continues

I am so tired right now and I am heading to bed in just a few minutes, but I wanted to give an update on Samuel.

Yesterday evening when Dave got home from work Samuel started to feel pretty hot.  We went on a short 15 minute walk to try to get Samuel tired for bed.  We got home and were getting him ready to put his pj's and he was super hot, so I took his temperature and it was 101.4.  We totally freaked out and called the pediatrician and they said we needed to go to the ER to have him looked at.  

We got to the ER around 7ish.  They weren't sure what was wrong with him, so they decided they wanted to take another X-ray of his chest.  This was again a miserable experience.  Dave and I had to hold him down while they took the picture.  Samuel was beat red from yelling so much and he had tears in his eyes.  It was terrible.  

Then they wanted to take blood, so they decided they wanted to start an IV just in case they would have to give him medicine they didn't want to have to stick him again.  Again giving him the IV was horrible.  He was screaming and crying.

So the blood tests came back fine, but the X-ray looked worse then his last one.  The doctor wanted the radiologist to check out the x-ray and that person wouldn't be there until the morning.

Finally they let us leave around 10:30.  

Then I had to make an appointment with Samuel's pediatrician today.  We went in around 11 am.  The doctor finally made the conclusion that he 100% has viral pneumonia and hopefully it will start clearing up soon.  

Today he was much better and in a much better mood.  The doctor says he shouldn't be around other children for a couple of days.  Poor baby.  Hopefully he will fully recover soon.  

As for me and Dave, we are totally pooped.  We were so stressed out.  I haven't had a good night sleep in 3 weeks, so I am going to bed now.  

Monday, June 9, 2008

Trip to Tulsa

Here are some pictures of Samuel.  He is now 3 months old!

Driving back to St. Louis.

This is just a cute picture of him.

I like this picture also of him.  He is really starting to suck his thumb and it is really cute.

I have been gone for a whole week in Tulsa.  The purpose of the trip was for me to be able to relax and read and catch up on some much needed sleep.  Well, it was a wonderful trip, but not nearly as relaxing as I hoped it would be.

Samuel got to see lots of family and friends and even got to meet his great grandfather.  He had a wonderful time with Savta and Papa.

Here was the saga of the week. On Saturday before I left for Tulsa, Samuel had been running a fever for about a day and I didn't want to drive to Tulsa if he was really sick.  So Dave and I went to the doctor on Saturday and they checked him out.  They said he might have a little bit of a cold, but that he was fine.  They said we could go to Tulsa, but that if he continued to have a fever during the week that we needed to take him to a doctor in Tulsa.  

He was feeling better at the beginning of the week and then on Wednesday afternoon I could tell he was really not feeling well and his head was burning up.  On Thursday morning we call my old pediatrician's office and they got him in right away.  We saw Dr. Gordon, who was absolutely wonderful.  If anyone happens to be in Tulsa or needs a pediatrician in Tulsa go to Utica Park Clinic and got to Dr. Richard Gordon.  He was such an angel and so caring and wonderful.  He knew we were from St. Louis and he still spent lots of time with us trying to figure out what was wrong with Samuel.

Okay, so we went to the dr. on Thursday morning and again he checked Samuel out and said he looked great, but because he had a fever for so long he wanted to take a blood sample.  Sure enough, when the blood sample came back, his white blood cell count was elevated and the doctor said that wasn't good.  He wasn't sure what was wrong with him.  He said that he wanted to take a chest X-ray and a nasal swab to see what was going on.  

He warned us about the chest X-ray thank goodness, because of my gosh it was a torture device.  Samuel had to put his legs through two holes on the bottom and he had to straddle this bar, then they pulled his arms up over his head and wrapped this clear tube thing around him and he was strapped in and couldn't move at all.  He was screaming and it looked terrible.  The X-ray only took a few minutes and he was out.  

So we waited for the results and sure enough he had the very beginnings of pneumonia.  The doctor gave us some medication and said Samuel should be feeling better within 24 hours.  

So then Friday rolls around and Samuel was sicker then the was the rest of the week, so I called the doctor again and he wanted to see him.  He couldn't figure out what was going on, so he decided to give him a shot of antibiotics to hopefully break his fever.  The nurse came in to give him the shot and it was a huge thick needle.  I do not mind needles at all, but when I saw that thing, even I got nervous.  They gave Samuel the shot and of course he started screaming.  Luckily it only lasted a few minutes.  But within the hour his fever had finally broken.  

Oh, I forgot to add.  George was with us too in Tulsa and she was acting really strange on Wednesday and holding her head to the side, so we took her to the vet and she had the beginnings of an ear infection.  So she had to get a shot and ear drops.  

Even with all the craziness of the week, it was really nice and I got the help I needed with Samuel.  

He is waking up from his nap now, so I am off.