Sunday, June 22, 2008

No sleep for us

Just a few pictures from the weekend.

This is Samuel batting at his toys.

Samuel's new favorite toys are those keys in his left hand.  He holds on to them all the time and has fallen asleep holding them too!

So I normally put Samuel with his head at the far end of the crib.  When I went to get him from his nap, this is how I found him.  He was so happy he turned himself around.  Then, he wanted to show me what he thought of me taking pictures of him after his nap and so this is what he did......

I found his Wash U T-shirt in his dresser.  I forgot we had it.  It is sized for 6 months, but he fit in it very nicely and it is almost too small.  Go Bears!

Well, the weekend wasn't nearly as successful as I hoped it would be. Samuel had his best napping today. But the nights weren't so great. He still wakes up several times during the night and I am exhausted. Not sure what to do. Anyone have any suggestions?

On a positive note, I tried on one of my skirts today and I could fit into it! I am still far from my goal, but at least I am starting to get back into some of my clothes. I refuse to buy new clothes because I WILL fit into my old stuff.

My first personal training session kicked my butt. I wasn't really sore yesterday, but I was really hurting today. She has me doing all these weights and exercises using one of those balance balls. Holy cow, I thought I was going to die. I am planning on doing the routine tomorrow, if Samuel sticks to a good napping schedule.

I cleaned out Samuel's dresser this weekend and found some clothes that I forgot he even had. In a month we are going to have to do some serious shopping because he is now wearing all 6 month clothes. We only have about 3 outfits that are 9 month clothes, so I am thinking that in about a month he will be growing out of most of the 6 month clothes. He is a big boy. I can't believe how much he is growing. Pretty scary. He is grabbing a holding on to things and trying desperately to sit up and crawl. He has mastered spinning on his stomach in a circle, but he can't figure out that if he moved his legs a little more he might actually move towards his toys. He normally just grabs the blanket and yanks it towards him in order to get his toys that are far away. It is pretty funny.

I am off.

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