Monday, June 9, 2008

Trip to Tulsa

Here are some pictures of Samuel.  He is now 3 months old!

Driving back to St. Louis.

This is just a cute picture of him.

I like this picture also of him.  He is really starting to suck his thumb and it is really cute.

I have been gone for a whole week in Tulsa.  The purpose of the trip was for me to be able to relax and read and catch up on some much needed sleep.  Well, it was a wonderful trip, but not nearly as relaxing as I hoped it would be.

Samuel got to see lots of family and friends and even got to meet his great grandfather.  He had a wonderful time with Savta and Papa.

Here was the saga of the week. On Saturday before I left for Tulsa, Samuel had been running a fever for about a day and I didn't want to drive to Tulsa if he was really sick.  So Dave and I went to the doctor on Saturday and they checked him out.  They said he might have a little bit of a cold, but that he was fine.  They said we could go to Tulsa, but that if he continued to have a fever during the week that we needed to take him to a doctor in Tulsa.  

He was feeling better at the beginning of the week and then on Wednesday afternoon I could tell he was really not feeling well and his head was burning up.  On Thursday morning we call my old pediatrician's office and they got him in right away.  We saw Dr. Gordon, who was absolutely wonderful.  If anyone happens to be in Tulsa or needs a pediatrician in Tulsa go to Utica Park Clinic and got to Dr. Richard Gordon.  He was such an angel and so caring and wonderful.  He knew we were from St. Louis and he still spent lots of time with us trying to figure out what was wrong with Samuel.

Okay, so we went to the dr. on Thursday morning and again he checked Samuel out and said he looked great, but because he had a fever for so long he wanted to take a blood sample.  Sure enough, when the blood sample came back, his white blood cell count was elevated and the doctor said that wasn't good.  He wasn't sure what was wrong with him.  He said that he wanted to take a chest X-ray and a nasal swab to see what was going on.  

He warned us about the chest X-ray thank goodness, because of my gosh it was a torture device.  Samuel had to put his legs through two holes on the bottom and he had to straddle this bar, then they pulled his arms up over his head and wrapped this clear tube thing around him and he was strapped in and couldn't move at all.  He was screaming and it looked terrible.  The X-ray only took a few minutes and he was out.  

So we waited for the results and sure enough he had the very beginnings of pneumonia.  The doctor gave us some medication and said Samuel should be feeling better within 24 hours.  

So then Friday rolls around and Samuel was sicker then the was the rest of the week, so I called the doctor again and he wanted to see him.  He couldn't figure out what was going on, so he decided to give him a shot of antibiotics to hopefully break his fever.  The nurse came in to give him the shot and it was a huge thick needle.  I do not mind needles at all, but when I saw that thing, even I got nervous.  They gave Samuel the shot and of course he started screaming.  Luckily it only lasted a few minutes.  But within the hour his fever had finally broken.  

Oh, I forgot to add.  George was with us too in Tulsa and she was acting really strange on Wednesday and holding her head to the side, so we took her to the vet and she had the beginnings of an ear infection.  So she had to get a shot and ear drops.  

Even with all the craziness of the week, it was really nice and I got the help I needed with Samuel.  

He is waking up from his nap now, so I am off.  

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