Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rain makes me tired

It rained yesterday and stormed today.  I get in such a funk when it rains.  It is just so dark and nasty and depressing.

To make it even better, Joseph has had a stomach bug for a few weeks now.  He was just having tons of bowel movements, but starting Sunday it turned to diarrhea.  I know too much information, but it is disgusting and I have to share how disgusting it is.  Yesterday he pooped through two pairs of pants.  He hasn't had a fever during the day or any other problems.  I debated whether or not I should send him to school because I don't send the kids to school when I am worried they are going to pass something along to another student.  Joseph has been acting completely normal and fine, but is just having diarrhea, so I sent him to school today.  They said he was fine, but had one yucky diaper.  Well when I was loading him into the car, I smelled another load in his pants.  As soon as we got home I went to change his diaper and it wasn't a pretty sight.  I immediately put him in the tub for a good cleansing and then started gagging at how disgusting it was.

Samuel luckily is healthy and happy.  He is starting to speak so much more Spanish.  Today when he finished his snack after school, he looked at me and said "mas por favor".  It is really exciting that he is learning and speaking Spanish.

Simone had a rough day today.  She also started pooping a bunch today, which worries me because I really don't want her to get sick.  She has a little runny nose, but nothing else.  This morning when I dropped Joseph off at school, I went in the back seat to get Simone and she had blood coming out of one of her nostrils.  I freaked.  It wasn't a lot of blood, but none of my kids have ever had a nose bleed before and it was just scary to see.  I get nose bleeds when I am stressed out, pregnant or the house is really dry.  I called the doctor and they said that she may just be effected by the dryness in the house too.  I need to watch it and then call them back if she gets anymore.

Life is super busy.  I feel like I don't have much time at all for myself.  But I have to admit, having three isn't much more difficult then two.  I think we got really lucky with Simone.  She is an awesome baby.  I was always jealous of people that said they had easy babies that barely cried and slept great.  Really I thought most of them had to be over exaggerating and just acting like their babies were great when in reality they were going nuts behind closed doors.  Now I can say that happy easy babies really do exist.  Simone is normally awesome.  She naps, barely cries and sleeps from 9pm to 4/5am every day.  Sometimes she will throw in a 6 or 7am wake up, which is absolutely amazing.  She is truly a gift.  Thank goodness she is my last and I can go out on a positive note.

In order to find time for myself I am going to start Bikrum Yoga.  On Monday and Wednesday nights there is a class at 8:45 pm.  The classes are 90 minutes long and I won't get home until 10:30, but that is the best time for me to get in a workout.  The boys would be asleep and Dave can easily put Simone to bed.  Hopefully I will start it soon and I will let you know how it goes.  I am super excited to try something new, get in a good workout and have some alone time.  I am really trying to get rid of this baby weight.  I have lost about 20 pounds and I would like to lose 25 more to reach my goal weight.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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