Thursday, June 27, 2013

No documentation

I have been thinking about my lack of posting and how I have missed out on documenting Simone's first few years and things that the boys are doing too.  I remember posting every little thing about Samuel and I think I continued for a while with Joseph, but then Simone came and I feel like life just got super busy.

There are a few things I wanted to write down before I forgot.  Simone is completely crazy about going pee in the potty.  She is only 20 months old, but she wants to pee and poop in the potty.  She isn't quite ready to put on undies all the time.  I have tried because she is now throwing huge fits about putting diapers on.  She will pee in the potty every morning and anytime one of the boys goes, so does she.  I tried for a while asking her every 30 minutes to go pee, but she gets really annoyed and won't go.  Today I bought her some pull-ups, which of course were Dora since once she saw those I couldn't get anything else.  She is wearing them now.  We will just keep practicing.  Hopefully by the end of the summer she will be more consistent.  It is amazing how much interest she has, kind of like Samuel.  Samuel just decided he wanted to start using the big potty and never went back.  Joseph on the other hand, just started to wear underwear full time and only because they require it at his summer camp.  I think his fear and issues with pooping caused him to have anxiety when he wasn't wearing his pull-ups. We are still working on him pooping in the potty all the time.

Besides peeing and pooping, we have had issues with our house.  We finished our basement 9 months ago and last Monday we had a huge rainstorm and our entire basement flooded.  2-3 inches of water everywhere.  The restoration people finally pulled all the fans yesterday.  They saved the carpet, but the pad had to be pulled.  I went down there today and I feel like the basement stinks.  We have to get a new pad, have the carpet cleaned, fix all the drywall that got ruined and put up the baseboards, which also got ruined.  It is a freaking disaster.  Not too much stuff got destroyed because we didn't have a ton of stuff on the floor other then all the kids toys.  Most of the toys were okay, but all the books and puzzles had to be thrown out.  Admittedly most of it needed to go anyway, but it was just so much shit to clean up.  It was awful.  I am still exhausted from all the issues and still stressed about the clean up.

My first few weeks of the kids being in camp have been focused on cleaning up all the stuff in the basement and sticking around while workers come in and out of the house.  The boys love their camps, which is a relief.  Joseph is just in half day and Samuel goes all day.

I am trying get into the flow of summer and now June is already almost over.  Hopefully July will be a better month!

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