Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lots of Pictures

We have been super busy.  Every year we spend one week during the summer in Tulsa.  Typically it is the first week, but since Samuel had camp the first two weeks of June we went the third week.  This was by far the busiest most fun we have had in Tulsa.  My parents took the entire week off and we didn't have one restful day.  We made plans everyday and stayed busy the entire time.  

Here is a list of things we did:

1. Swimming in the blowup pool.  
2. Sidewalk chalking and painting
3. Coloring and collaging
4. Playing with new friends and seeing old friends
5. Went to the aquarium
6. Went to the park
7. Fed the ducks
8. Went out to dinner
9. Had a BBQ
10.  Ate popsciles, ice cream and frozen yogurt
11.  Went to Woolaroc and saw lots of wild animals
12.  Met some Gypsy ponies
13.  Road a tractor

We covered many items on our Summer To-Do List.  The kids were so worn out everyday.  

Dave came in town on Friday and my mom got us a hotel room (thank you mom!) and Dave and I went out for a really nice dinner and spent the night out.  It was a nice break and wonderful after beikng away from each other for a week.  It was nice to have alone time.  

I can't believe how quickly June is flying by.  

Here are lots of pictures:

The kids are now able to take a bath together and Simone loves it.  

Got a really cute picture of Simone and her Uncle Jonathan.

Samuel participated in a swim show at camp.  They are trying to teach them how to swim.  Samuel is still afraid of putting his head completely under the water and will not jump off the diving board yet.  Hopefully soon.

More swimming

Kids playing the piano in Tulsa.

Simone and Papa on Father's Day

Father's Day picture

Joseph and Papa

Kids swimmng with Papa

Savta and Simone

Lots of ice cream eating

and popscile eating

An American Bison and Woolaroc

The boys checking out all the animals.

Petting the Gypsy Ponies

Two week old baby.

Playing with a catipillar

Tractor ride

Duck feeding

1 comment:

Parental Control Software said...

Lovely family there. The kids are quite happy. No doubt they are raised beautifully.