My lack of posting is due to sickness. This past Sunday, Joseph was really cranky most of the day, but after his afternoon nap he was just acting miserable. Not like he had a cold but just really needy and wanting me all the time. That is a sign that he has an ear infection. I didn't want to have a miserable night on Sunday, so we decided to take him to the Urgent Care right around the corner from our house. Laura, Jonathan and Haidyn had come over for dinner on Sunday night, so I just took Joseph by myself to the Urgent Care while everyone else stayed at home. Sure enough, he had an ear infection in his left ear. The medicine helped him immediately and he only woke up one time in the middle of the night.
On Monday another one of his bottom teeth cut through, so that was most likely the reason for his ear infection.
I woke up on Monday and my left boob was killing me. I am pretty sure I developed one of the worst mastitis I have had in a long time. Joseph is cutting down significantly on breast feeding and I wasn't surprised that I developed a mastitis, but this one was terrible. By Monday night I had a fever and it continued through Tuesday night. During all this I also developed a massive head and chest cold. Currently I am blowing my nose nonstop, coughing up a lung and feeling very sleep deprived.
The boys have been sleeping great at night. Joseph has been waking up around 6 every morning and Samuel is sleeping pretty well, with little to no nightmares.
I don't think I have been sick for this period of time in a while. It sucks.
I am looking forward to watching to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion tonight!
I am off to drink my tea and get some rest. Hopefully Joseph will cooperate and take a little nap as well.
Yikes! Hopefully you all are on the mend now! No fun at all! It's interesting that Joseph's ear issues seem to be tied with his teeth. Does his doctor acknowledge it or just say it's been a coincidence? I know books and most doctors say that teething shouldn't cause fevers and other types of sickness, but I think that's bologna!
Have a great weekend!
hope you feel better ASAP!!!! :)
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