We went from beautiful Miami to freezing cold and at least 6 inches of snow (for now) today in St. Louis.
We had such a wonderful time in Miami. It was great to recharge, spend quality time together and just relax. I wish I could say that we slept great while we were gone, but both Dave and I woke up many times each night. I guess we are just not used to full nights of sleep anymore. We ate at some wonderful restaurants and drank way too much wine. I literally gained 2 pounds, maybe 3 while we were gone. I am trying to work it off this week. I ran 3 miles yesterday and I plan to shovel snow this afternoon while the boys are sleeping.
It has been a bit of a crazy week so far. Samuel was getting a little bit of a cold while we were gone and by Monday evening he was sneezing, had a runny nose and a little cough. I kept him home from school on Tuesday because I didn't want him to get sicker and I felt like one day of rest would help him fight his cold. By Wednesday he was feeling much better, so he went to school. Now today we have a snow day. Last night around 12:15 Joseph woke up and was burning hot. I gave him Advil in the middle of the night and by the time he woke up this morning (at 5 am) his fever was gone. He feels a little warm today, but I took his temperature and he doesn't really have one, so I am hoping it was just a fluke in the middle of the night.
Today we have played out in the snow, built a fort and played many games of hide and seek. It is 10 am and I am ready to get back in bed. It is going to be a LONG day.
Samuel is turning into quite a comedian. While we were gone my mom had some hilarious stories about Samuel. He is having some very funny one liners. Today I was dressing him in his snow clothes to play outside and he said "Mommy, I need to go to school and see my teachers because I am looking cuuuuute!"
A few nights ago, I heard him in his room making noises in the middle of the night. I went into his room and he was wide awake just lounging in his bed NAKED. I was like, what the heck are you doing?! He said that he woke up and his diaper was wet and he didn't feel like sleeping in a wet diaper anymore, so now he is relaxing. It took me a little while to convince him to put a new pull up on and more pajamas. He was pretty comfortable just laying around naked in bed. What a weirdo!
The funniest story my mom had from the weekend was when she was giving him a bath and she told him that he was done and needed to get out. He stood up in the bath tub started shaking his finger at her (also when he gets really mad, his eye brows really frown in. I am trying to find a picture because then you would understand how funny this was) and then he started yelling at her "You can't tell me what to do. I am the boss!" I have no idea where he learned that line from. She said his ranting and raving continued for a least a minute. She was trying so hard not to laugh or react or anything. She said she kept a completely straight face and just stared back at him. Then he said, "Hellllloooo! Are you there? Can you hear me? Hellllloooo!" Now I definitely say that to him. He always acts like he is ignoring me when I am talking to him (he learned that one from his Dad), so I say Hello, Can you hear me?
So then my mom said, "Are you done now?" Then Samuel started on his rant again. I know when you are reading this is probably is not nearly as funny as it was in person. Samuel is so independent and he never gets away with telling me what to do, so I think he saw an opportunity with my mom and went for it.
I am really enjoying Samuel's funny personality. He makes everyday interesting. He will be sure to tell you how cute and handsome he thinks he is too!
Joseph is so much fun too. He is such a sweetheart. He isn't walking yet, but is moving around everywhere. He loves playing with all of the balls we have and likes rolling it back and forth. He is talking up a storm. I love it. He doesn't really like to sign like Samuel did, he prefers to just talk, which is great.
I am going to find a movie now to put in so I can keep the boys busy for a little while longer.
I love the stories!!! So hilarious. So glad you had such a great trip to Miami too!!
Oh my gosh...Samuel is so funny these days! What a character. I can't believe your mom didn't start laughing at him - I would be cracking up. Love you guys and glad you're back!
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