Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Another Snow Day

They are expecting this storm to be one of the biggest seen in St. Louis.  So far it hasn't really hit.  Last night the trees were accumulating ice, which made me a little nervous for what the night would bring.  We woke up this morning to the sound of sleet and raining hitting our bedroom window.  However, the news said that the roads are not too bad right now and Dave made it to work safely.  He said the roads were still very drivable (at this point).  The precipitation is supposed to change to snow sooner then the weatherman had originally expected, which is good because we will get more snow and less ice.  We are still going to be stuck in the house for a few days though.  School is closed today and I can't imagine that it will be open tomorrow with what is in store the rest of the day.

Having school closed is okay though because I have another sick child in the house.  On Sunday Samuel was complaining that his ear was hurting.  He actually asked to get out of the tub because his ear hurt so much.  So on Sunday night, Dave headed to the Urgent Care with Samuel.  We had anticipated that he would have an ear infection and get medication.  However, the doctor heard Samuel coughing and saw that he had a runny nose too and said she wanted to test him to see if he had the flu.  They swabbed his nose and sure enough he has the flu too.  He had a fever for a few days, but never really acted very sick.  He only complained about his ear, so I hadn't even considered the possibility that he would have more then an ear infection.  So we have been hanging out and hoping that he gets better soon.

I am just hoping that Joseph doesn't get anything at this point.  I don't want him to bring in his 1 year birthday with a cold!!!  He turns 1 next Monday.  The time has really flown by.  He is so much fun.  He is developing quite a funny personality.  He tries to make us all laugh and is very ornery.  He is starting to bug Samuel by sticking his face in Samuel's face and making annoying faces.  Samuel is starting to get annoyed and I don't blame him, but I find it hilarious at the same time.  I think we are going to have a lot of wrestling matches as the boys get older.

I am off to drink my morning coffee.  I am going to need it today!


megan said...

hope you guys don't get hit too badly! we're getting walloped too. All the schools (except OSU, of course!!) were closed today because of ice.

Hopefully Samuel is feeling better ASAP and no one else gets it either! CANNOT believe it's already almost Joseph's birthday!

Sarah said...

Megan, how is the weather where you are? We didn't get it as badly as they had predicted, but all schools are still closed. I really hope that school is open tomorrow. I don't know if I can handle another day cooped up in this house!

Thinking about you!